2023年Unit 1 Festivals around the world全单元教案.docx

2023年Unit 1 Festivals around the world全单元教案.docx

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Unit 1 Festivals around the world Period 1~3 Reading and language points Teaching goals 1. to get the students to talk about festivals 2. to learn about how festivals begin and how to celebrate festivals so as to enable them to learn more about different cultures while learning different language 3. to develop the students ‘reading skills : skimming, scanning, summarizing, and finding out details. 4. to arouse the students’ interest in festivals, cultures, especially those in china,thus promote their culture awareness. Important points 1. comprehension of the reading part. 2. knowledge accumulation of festivals and cultures. 3. useful words and expressions concerning festivals. Teaching aids a computer, a projector, courseware, a tape-recorder Teaching procedures 1. Lead-in 1. greetings: t: good morning, girls and boys. happy new year. ss: good morning. happy new year. 2.talk about winter vacation: t: did you have fun/enjoy yourselves in the winter vacation? what did you do? who’d like to tell us something about your winter vacation? let’s share. s1, s2, … t: well, girls and boys, most of us seem to be happy during the winter vacation, old or young. the whole country was filled with joy and excitement. can you tell me why? ss: because of the spring festival. 2. warming-up 1) show some pictures about the spring festival and the lantern festival. ask them to talk about what they did during the two festivals. t: did you have fun during the spring festival/ the lantern festival? what do people do? what do people eat? what does it celebrate? 2) show some more pictures of festivals, ask students to guess what festivals they are. t: look at the pictures, can you tell us which festival is it about? when does it take place? what do they celebrate? what do people do? discuss with your partners. the dragon-boat festival, mid-autumn day, and the double ninth festival. 3) well-done. in fact, there are plenty of festivals throughout the world, and different festivals take place


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