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英语开学第一课Welcome To High School高一英语开学第一课教育课件2023/7/211 Welcome to Class XXWelcome to XX Middle School!Nice to meet all of you here! Good morning, everyone! 2023/7/212 Introduce?myselfWhy learn EnglishThe differencesSuggestions for you自我介绍为什么要学英语Class requirements高中和初中英语的差异给你们的建议课堂要求Are you ready?你准备好了吗?0102030405062023/7/213 第一章节Introduce?myself自我介绍2023/7/214 Introduce?myselfMy name is XX, the new English teacher of this class我叫XX,这个班的新英语老师You can call me Ms XX你们可以叫我XX老师I’m young 我很年轻2023/7/215 Introduce?myselfI have been teaching for seven years. 我已经教了七年书。I have some experience in teaching and managing a class. 我在教学和管理班级方面有一些经验I believe that we will also get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends.我相信我们也会相处得很好,我真诚地希望我们能成为好朋友2023/7/216 第二章节Why learn English为什么要学英语2023/7/217 Why learn EnglishEnglish is an international language and it is the most widely used language in the world英语是一种国际语言,是世界上使用最广泛的语言English is one of the most important subjects at school or the university英语是学校或大学最重要的科目之一English can help you get a better job in the future英语可以帮助你在未来找到更好的工作English has been used everywhere in our daily life英语在我们的日常生活中无处不在2023/7/218There is no royal road to learning 第三章节The differences高中和初中英语的差异2023/7/219 The differences高一是学生英语成绩波动最大的一年,因为刚进入高中的学生,无论成绩如何,如果没有超前学习,都会遭遇极强的“陡坡效应”。(结合主题及上下文意编辑修改内容,言简意赅,不拖沓。)The first year of high school is the year when students English scores fluctuate the most, because students who have just entered high school, regardless of their grades, will encounter a strong steep slope effect if they do not study ahead.即发现知识难度和广度都突然增加,完全超出了自己的想象。That is, to find that the difficulty and breadth of knowledge have suddenly increased, completely beyond their own imagination.2023/7/2110 The differences同学之间的竞争氛围甚至超过了初三。自己,对学习失去兴趣。“陡坡效应”会使学生压力倍增,名次迅速落后,甚至开始怀疑The competitive atmosphere among classmates even surpassed that of junior high school. Myself, I lost interest in learning.The steep slope effect can cause students to double their stress,


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