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江苏省南京市 2019 年八年级上学期英语期末考试试题(模拟卷四) 一、选择题 1.- ? -It's beautiful. A.Where is Qingdao C.How far is Qingdao  B.How do you go to Qingdao D.How do you like Qingdao 2.--Why would you like to recommend Millie for the Best Student Award? --She does well in her lessons. she is kind, helpful and generous. A.However B.Otherwise C.Instead D.Moreover 3.What are you to do when you high school? A.want ; finish B.going ; are going to finish C.going ; finish D.want ; are going to finish 4.I have left my English book at home. Can I use ? yours 5.Do you like you C.yourself ? A.planting planting B.plants planting C.planting plants D.plant plant Vince is very popular in our class because he always makes us A.laugh B.laughing C.laughed D.to laugh Mrs. Brown forgot the door and two bad men got in. A.locking B.to lock C.locked D.lock 8.I think Qingdao will be better and there will be people and pollution. A.more; fewer B.fewer;less C.less ; less D.fewer;more Don’t let homework too much time. Children need to play. give up take up look up put up Linda,I know you are busy now,but I have to tell you. A.important something B.anything important C.important anything D.something important 11.--- I could look after when I was five. ---Really? I can’t believe it. A.myself B.herself C.himself D.yourself 12.I saw a boy in the street this morning, so I went to ask what was the matter. A.cry B.crying C.to cry D.cried 13.The story me, that is, I am at the story. A.surprise; surprising; surprised B.surprises; surprised; surprised C.surprise; surprised; surprising D.surprises; surprised; surprising 14.My father is very busy. He watches TV in the evening. always usually hardly ever often 15.We are going to the soccer team next year. A.play B.learn C.make D.work 二、单词填空 16.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1)He is a great a movie star. That was the r why he was late. She’s helpful. She’s always r to help others. 4)The accident h at three o’clock in the afternoon.


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