Review of Useful Expressions英文讲解稿件.ppt

Review of Useful Expressions英文讲解稿件.ppt

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Review of Useful Expressions Unit 1-Unit 4 After Reading_21. 痛斥 2. 一段非同寻常的来往3. 被深深打动4. 身体残疾5. 大专文凭 6. 引起某人注意7. 希望 (n.)8. 那又怎么样,那又有什么了不起take sb. to taska most unusual relationshipbe impressedphysical handicapassociate’s degreecatch one’s eyein hopes ofSo what… Unit 49. 对……非常专注have dedication to… After Reading_2.110. 在来宾登记簿上签名11. 一个精心策划的骗局12. 一位校少年棒球队教练 13. 令脖子酸痛的家庭作业14. 正在朽烂的小棚屋15. 蜷缩 16. 调出网站上的一篇报道17. 添字加句 sign the guestbookan elaborate hoaxa junior varsity baseball coachneck-straining homeworka decaying shantycurl upcall up a story on the websiteadd to…18. 玩世不恭的年代times of cynicism After Reading_1.11. 行政职务 2. 创办公司3. 熬夜 4. 校历5. 凭直觉6. 省去7. 期末 8. 提供机会an administration positionset up a companystay upthe academic calendarby intuitionleave outthe end of a semesteroffer an opportunityUnit 39. 学术刊物10. 记笔记learned journalstake notes After Reading_1.211. 吸取教训 12. 指点迷津13. 激发才智14. 被迫做…… 15. 努力做, 苦干 16. 谋生17. 寄出,送出 18. 确信learn one’s lessonspoint out a pathwayfan sparksbe compelled to do …labour atearn one’s living send offbe sure19. 写书 20. 喘息,屏息work on a bookcatch one’s breath After Reading_2.1Unit 21. 直线型思维2. 改变模式3. 重新审视相关因素4. 给出非常自以为是的答案5. 与某人争论6. 宇宙的中心7. 地球中心学8. 寻求;追索linear thinking shift paradigmsrefocus parametersdeliver one’s smug answerargue with sb.the center of the universean Earth-centered systemquest for9. 暴露于……10. (给人)接种疫苗be exposed to…vaccinate sb. against…11. 感染(疾病)contract (a disease) After Reading_2.221. 预防性药品12. 提出;使注意13. 社会的演变发展14. 大声要求或抗议15. 快速获得 (n.)16. 不断增长的17. 下载资料数据18. 信息高速公路preventive medicinebring upthe evolution of the societyclamor forinstant access toever-growingdownload volumes of datathe super information highway19. 惊天动地的20. 发现信息Earth-shatteringuncover information22. 收集信息accumulate information After Reading_1.1Unit 11. 与法律发生冲突2. 一次不愉快的经历3. 相当扰人的4. 之后的命运5. 临时工作6. 存钱7. 不紧不慢8. 带着明显的意图be in trouble with the lawan unpleasant experiencerather disturbingsubsequent fatea temporary jobsave up moneyin no hurry / take one’s timewith the ob


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