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Statistical Engineering Red X Strategy Overview;Learning Objectives 学习目标;History Overview 发展历史概括;Red X Strategy Overview “ Red X” 方法概括;We Must Understand ;What Can Red X Do for Me? “Red X”能够做什么? ;What Red X Is Not? 哪些方面“Red X”不适用;Where does Red X Strategies Fit in GM? 在通用汽车公司,“ Red X” 适用于哪些方面; 过程和零件检查清单 Process/Part Check List: 第一步“流程是否正确”检查内容: Correct Process? (Production) 是否是固定的操作者并且是否经过培训?什么时候培训的? Is it the regular operator and have they been trained? What was the training date? 是否在执行标准化工作? Is standardized work being followed? 操作者是否知道当自己的岗位出现质量问题时如何传递和沟通信息的(是否有暗灯)? Does the operator know how to communicate problems (Andon activated)? 检察员是否知道检查的方法和标准? Do inspectors know the method and standard to perform checks? 第二步“工具是否正确”检查内容: Correct Tool? (Production) 是否使用了正确的工具和夹具? Are correct tools and fixtures being used? 工具和夹具是否按照定期检修计划进行维护?是否有必要制定新的定期检修计划? Are they capable, properly calibrated, on regular PM Schedule? Do changes need to be made to schedule? 关键部分是否有额外的磨损或者误用(套筒、空气管和接近开关)? Is there any extra wear or abuse on key components (socket, air hose, and prox switch)? 工具是否和暗灯相连?工具是否被强行复位?强行复位是否遵照了相应流程? Is tool tied into Andon or Error Proofing device? Was it on bypass? If in bypass what is procedure? ; 过程和零件检查清单(续) Process/Part Check List (Continue): 第三步“零件是否正确”检查内容: Correct Parts? (Production) 流水线料架上的零件是否有正确的零件号? Are correct numbers on the flow rack? 包装盒上零件号与流水线料架上的是否一致? Do part numbers on boxes agree with flow rack? 是否有有效的生产授权/短期或是工程工作指令? Is a Product Action Authorization (PAA)/Temporary Engineering Work Order (EWO) in effect? 是否有混料情况? Are there mixed parts in the container? 是否有防错措施来确保使用正确的零件?措施是否有效


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