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- - PAGE 7 - 一.用所给单词或汉语提示的适当形式填空: How (大) the rain is! Lin Lin is the (young) in our class. The man took off his shoes and put them under his bed very (quiet). Ann felt very (happy) at her birthday party. Which is (far) from us, the sun or the moon? She looks (thin) than me. It snowed (heavy) last night and now the streets are covered with snow. Mr. Benson seems to be the (busy) man in the world. “The sooner, the (good)”, Uncle Wang said. 10.Jack has the (little) bread of the three boys. 11.We don’t think their classroom is (干净) than ours. Meimei walks as (慢) as Lily does. Who’s (好) than you at English in your class? The teacher asked us to take a (仔细) look at everything in the lab. 15.Shanghai is one of the (大) cities in the world. 16.Which is the (beautiful) skirt of the three? 17.The sick man is getting (ill). 18.The meat smells (坏). Please take it away. 19.The wind is blowing (strong). Of all the students Li Hua lives (远). She didn’t do her homework (仔细). 22.Your bag is much (轻) than mine. 选择填空 My sister is two years than I. older; older B. elder; elder C. older; elder D. elder; older Can you do your work with money and people? less; few B. less; fewer C. little; less D. few; less I didn’t know which was , so I took them both. good B. better C. best D. the best There was house in front of the hill. a wooden old fine B. an old wooden fine C. a fine old wooden D. an old fine wooden The population of Beijing is larger than Shengzhen. / B. the one in C. that of D. those of What an story! I’m in it. interested; interesting B. interesting; interested C. interested; interested D. interesting; interesting The jacket is nice, but it’s more expensive than that one. much; much B. very; very C. much; very D. very; much 8.After turning .She is too tired to walk . A. farther B. further C. farthest D. furthest 9.–Do you think the chicken tastes ?-She cooked it , I think. A. good; good B. well; well C. well; good D. good; well 10.Li Lei


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