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PAGE PAGE 10 词汇篇 课堂精讲笔记 请大家注意:每一组单词都蕴含着一个庞大的词汇知识体系! 请大家坚信:千锤百炼方可修成正果! 一、表示方位的前缀1、pre-/pro- 前predict propose progress prospect 串词造句: The headmaster proposes that if you predict a bright prospect, you should make progress first. 校长建议:如果你想预测一个光明的前景,你要先取得进步。真题链接: When people in developing countries worry about migration,they are usually concerned at the prospect of ther best and brightest departure to Silicon Valley or to hospitals and universities in the developed world ,(2013) 2、fore 前before foretell forehead foremost: first and foremost forearm foreground, background 真题链接: most wives want their husbands to be first and foremost conversational partners but few husbands share this expectation of their wives. post- 后postwar postpone postgraduate: 扩展: re- 含义一:再,又: repeat retell 含义二:反方向,回return reduce retreat super-上,超级superman supermarket supervisor superficial 串词成句: The superman reckoned the supervisor of the supermarket very superficial. 超人认为超市的督导很肤浅。 hyper-:在上面的,超出的hypertension hypercritical hyperscope 潜望镜 补充:telescope, microscope sub-:下,下面的subway suburb——urban submarine substitute 串词成句: In the suburb, there is subway under the ground just as there are submarines under the sea. 在郊区 地下面有地铁就如同海下有潜水艇。 under- 在 以下,过少的 underground underestimate underdeveloped 串词成句: We can’t underestimate the value of the underdeveloped country. in-/im-/intro-/intra: 在里面include——exclude——exclusive import export introduce intrastate Income 扩展: pay salary, wage, pension bonus commission(佣金) free fee tip interest profit capital allowance compensation 真题链接: Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide newcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. 10. ex-: 出...,在...外面export exit dis- : 否定前缀:不;dislike, dishonest, disappear If you look hard enough, you’ll find that many of the products we use every day — chewing gums, skin moisturizers, disinfecting wipes, air fresheners, water purifiers, health snacks,antiperspirants, (止汗剂) teeth whiteners, fabric softeners, vita


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