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工程机械租赁服务方案及保障措施 Our company'XXX Co。Ltd。in xx year is as follows: 1) Good n of tasks: achieve high efficiency。high quality。low n。and good service。with XXX. 2) Good technical n: equipment n is often in good n。technical performance meets the specified requirements。machine capacity is clean。and random tools。components。and accessory data XXX. 3) Good use: XXX Ensure reasonable use。correct n。and complete and accurate records of n。maintenance。and upkeep. 4) Good maintenance: follow the maintenance res。carefully maintain。and adhere to the technical ns of the equipment。ensuring cleanliness。n。adjustment。solidity。XXX. 5) Good safety: XXX n systems。XXX. 2.Work focus We will XXX。and establish a "three-level ork" in the XXX effective management at all levels。Incorporate equipment management into the n and n XXX system。Based on our own n。XXX management ork for the company。n department。and team。clarify responsibilities。and equip it to meet n requirements. 3.Service commitment 1) Our company XXX that their safety and technical performance meet safety requirements. 2) XXX nal and local policies。ns。rules。norms。and standards for safety n。as well as the safety n management system and XXX。Ltd。and take full XXX for daily safety management work. 3) After the XXX Co。Ltd。our company's machine operator will obey the XXX of xx XXX。Ltd.'XXX。xx XXX Co。Ltd。has the right to clear our company's XXX. 4) Our company XXX work。XXX. 5) Our company XXX。any damage to the machinery is not related to xx XXX Co。Ltd。In case of mechanical failure。our company XXX。Ltd. 6) During the leasing and use process。if personal injury accidents。mechanical accidents。or XXX human factors。our company will bear the XXX. II) Guarantee measures 1.Quality assurance measures 1) 我们向XXX提供机械设备的出厂合格证,其中包括机械名称、型号、厂家、出厂编号和日期等信息。 2) 我们提供进场作业人员的身份证和花名册,以及特种作业人员的操作资格证。 3) 我们向XXX提供安全管理制度和安全保证措施。 4) 我们保证提供的机械设备和防护部件的完好率达到100%,并负责机械的日常维护保养。 5) 我们保证xx工程安装有限公司所需的机械设备必须符合正常使用要求,禁止带病机械和防护设备不齐全的设备进场作业。 6) 我们保证机械操作人员持有效操作证件及时到岗,随机配备人员必须严格执行安全操作规程


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