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NPAs for 2011-2020: Facts and Figures 数说两纲(2011-2020年) NPAs for 2011-2020: Facts and Figures 数说两纲(2011-2020年) ©UNICEF/China/2020/Xia Yong In July 2011, the State Council promulgated the China National Program for Womens Development (2011- 2020) and the China National Program for Child Development (2011-2020), hereinafter the NPA-Women and the NPA-Children, respectively. The two NPAs put forward targets to achieve for women and children by 2020 in the areas of health, education, economy, participation in decision-making and management, social security, welfare, environment and legal protection. By the end of 2020, new historic achievements were realized for women and children in the above-mentioned areas, and the key targets were achieved on schedule. Notably, the status of women in society has significantly improved, and the environment for child development has been further enhanced. Referencing relevant statistics, this document presents data and charts on the development of women and children, and the achievements made towards the two NPAs in the past decade. The data was provided by relevant government departments responsible for monitoring the two NPAs. Statistical discrepancies on total numbers and percentages due to rounding are not adjusted. 2011年7月,国务院颁布了《中国妇女发展纲要(2011-2020年)》和《中国儿童发展纲要(2011-2020年)》(以下分别简称《妇纲》和 《儿纲》,两个纲要同时出现时简称《两纲》),提出了妇女儿童在健康、教育、经济、参与决策和管理、社会保障、福利、环境以及 法律保护等领域到2020年应实现的目标。截至2020年底,我国妇女儿童在上述领域的发展取得了历史性新成就,主要目标如 期实现,妇女社会地位显著提高,儿童发展环境进一步优化。我们根据相关统计资料,用数据和图表形式展示我国妇女儿童十 年来的发展状况,数说《两纲》颁布以来取得的成果。本文数据来自《两纲》监测的相关部门,文中合计数或相对数由于计量单位 取舍不同可能会产生计算误差,均未作机械调整。 01 Acknowledgements ar



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