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Chinese History;;中国 China;Chiese History;Time Line of Chinese History 历史时间线;盘古开天辟地;女娲补天造人;The Earliest Human Beings in China;The Earliest Human Beings in China;The Earliest Human Beings in China;旧石器时代 The Paleolithic Period;新石器时代 The Neolithic Period;夏、商、周 Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasty;Ancestors of the Chinese Nation;夏 Xia Dynasty 2070 BC -1600 BC;The Five Hegemonys of the Spring and Autumn Period;The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period;大教育家 孔子 Confucius, the Great Educator;论语 Analects of Confucius;The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period;诸子百家 The “Hundred Schools of Thought”and their Exponents;秦 Qin Dynasty 221 BC - 206 BC;中国第一位皇帝 – 秦始皇 The First Emperor in Chinese History -- Qingshihuang;The Great Wall 长 城;Terra-cotta Warriors 兵马俑;Time Line of Chinese History 历史时间线;Wars between Chu and Han 楚汉之争;Chinese Chess 中国象棋;Han Dinasty 汉朝 (202 BC ~ 220 AD);汉代 Han Dynasty 206 BC – 220 AC;中国古代四大发明 Four Great Inventions in Ancient China;Zhaojun Goes Beyond the Great Wall as a Bride;Zhang Qians Mission to the Western Regions;Zhang Qians Mission to the Western Regions;Silk Road 丝绸之路;Yellow Turbans Revolt 黄巾军起义;Time Line of Chinese History 历史时间线;三国 (魏、蜀、吴);The Grand Canal from Hangzhou to Beijing 京杭大运河;Time Line of Chinese History 历史时间线;Changan 长安;武则天 Wu Zetian 中国历史上第一个也是唯一个女皇帝 The First and the Only Female Emperor in China;Womens status was higher than ever before. She built military outposts far into center Asia to secure passage safe all along Silk Road. She won the support of common people through the reinvigorated religion that was sweeping China - Buddhsm. The store technology during her reign was improved and it could help her to solve the farming problems.;大明宫 Daming Dong Palace;大明宫 Daming Dong Palace;李渊 Li Yuan The Founder of Tang Empire ;玄武门之变 Xuanwu Gate Incident;Decline of Tang Dynasty 唐朝的衰落;五代十国 Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms;十国 Ten Kingdoms;北宋 Northern Song Dynasty;Relieving the Generals of their Comma


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