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个体员工合同协议书模板 XXX Employer (hereafter referred to as Party A) and Employee (hereafter referred to as Party B)。in accordance with the Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the _________。XXX. Article 1: The n of this contract is from _________ year ________ month ________ day to _________ year _______ month _______ day。with a nary d of _________ days. Article 2: Party B agrees to work in the capacity of __________ for Party A. Article 3: Party A requires Party B to XXX work. Article 4: Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary on the _________ day of each month in the form of _________ currency。with a minimum salary of _________ yuan。During the nary d。the salary shall be _________ yuan. Article 5: Party A shall arrange for Party B to work no more than 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week。Party A guarantees that Party B shall have at least one day off per week。If work needs to be extended。Party A shall obtain Party Bs consent and the extended work time shall not exceed 3 hours per day or 36 hours per month. Article 6: If Party A arranges for Party B to work overtime。Party A shall pay overtime wages in accordance with the following standards: 1.For work beyond the legal working hours。Party A shall pay 150% of Party Bs hourly wage. 2.For work on rest days。Party A shall pay 200% of Party Bs daily or hourly wage. 3.For work on legal holidays。Party A shall pay 300% of Party Bs daily or hourly wage. Article 7: Party A and Party B shall pay social insurance XXX of the state and _________ city. Article 8: Party A shall comply with the states labor n laws and ns。provide labor safety and health facilities for Party B。and provide Party B with XXX tools for n and work according to the needs of the job. Article 9: Party A shall be XXX insurance for Party B。The insurance d shall be determined by Party A according to the n of XXX parties。and the insurance amount shall be _________ yuan. Article 10: Party A shall provide Party B with a medical leave of _________ months for n


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