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PAGE PAGE 3 教材 初中英语北师大版教材 第十五册 课题 Unit 7 Storytelling Lesson25 The tailor enjoyed the trip so much that he soon fell asleep. 第一课时 课型 阅读课 授课教师 北京市芳星园中学 陈永杰 时间 2010.12 教学内容教学目标 话题:Fairy story 词汇:asleep, tale, upon, lay, sale, point, such, brave 学生能够通过回答问题,给事件排序,填写表格等练习方式获取本课关于“勇敢的小裁缝”的故事情节信息;能够口头讲述本课故事; 通过学习本课,激发学生阅读英语国家的文学作品,扩大知识面,提高学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点教学资源教学环节Lead-in Language 通过阅读,学生能够理解文段。多媒体,黑板,粉笔 教与学的过程 Students will get to know about the topic of today’s learning by answering the following questions: 具体做法: 教师设置如下问题: Do you like reading stories? Do you know this story Snow white ? What kind of story is it? 引出 fairy story 一词 Can you tell us some other fairy stories? Step 1. Pre-reading 学生看“小裁缝的图片”回答问题,引入本课故事 Q1: Do you know this story? Q2: Can you guess w hat the man’s job is? ( 引出新词 tailor) How do you know?  设计意图 通过提问,导入本课话题. 通过提问,帮助学生导入并初步关注本课故事. input Q3: What’s on the table? What’s the tailor doing? (引出 He’s hitting some flies.) Students will read the title of the story and find out what the story is about. Q1: What story is it about?(about a tailor) Q2: What kind of person is the tailor? (brave) Step 2. Students will find out the general information about Para1. Listen to the first Para1 and check the people or things that appear in the paragraph. tailor, woman, king, giant cloth, cheese, jam, knife, buy, sell, open, try, lay out happy, excited Step 3. While-reading ,students will read to find out more detail information.  通 过 观 察 题目,关注主要人物及其性格特点. 通过听短文第一段,找出故事中提到的词语,帮助学生了解本课涉及到的人物、事物等词汇。训练学生捕捉信息的能力。 通 过 回 答 问题,学生理解 Students read the Para1 to understand the story of a woman who was selling jam. T: Q1. What did the tailor hear in the street? a woman who was selling candy a woman who was selling jam a woman who was selling chocolate Q2. Did the tailor buy the jam at once? How do you know? (No, he didn’t. He opened every jar and tried each kind.) Q3. How did the woman feel after she sold the jam? unhappy B. happy C. unhappily Students skim the story of flies (Pa


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