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PAGE PAGE 1 你最好买一本英语词典。 buy an English dictionary. 我爸爸过去常常开车上班,现在坐公交车了。 My father go to work by car, but now he takes the bus. 大家正盼望着暑假呢。We the summer holiday. 我一读完这本书就还你。I will return the book to you it. 北京园博园每天下午六点才关门。 Beijing Garden Expo Parks it. 我很抱歉我没能参加你的生日晚会。 for missing your birthday party. 你在课余时间喜欢读书吗?Do you in your spare time? 杰克会和同学们相处得很好。Jack will his classmates. 这个演讲非常精彩。我们都听得很认真。The speech we all listened carefully. 他们很难在这么短的时间内想出新的方法。 a new way in such a short time. 我喜欢北京的秋天,你呢?I like the autumn Beijing. you? 多吃蔬菜水果对健康有好处。 your health to eat more vegetables and fruit. 哥哥花了一个星期教我弹吉他。 to play the guitar. 妈 妈 经 常 告 诉 我 , 既 不 要 炫 耀 自 己 , 也 不 要 轻 视 别 人 。 Mom often . 今天天气很好。为什么不出去散散步?It’s fine today. go out for a walk? 该考虑一下我们的暑假计划了。 to think about our plan for the summer vacation. 北京以其众多的名胜古迹而闻名于世。 Beijing its many places of interest in the world. 你最好不要过分依赖父母,学会照顾自己。 your parents,and learn to look after yourself. 很抱歉今天不能陪你去购物,明天怎么样? I’m sorry I can’t go shopping with you today. tomorrow? 多吃水果和蔬菜对身体有好处。 our health to eat more fruit and vegetables. 北京的援建工人一到什邡就开始了工作。 The workers from Beijing started working they arrived in Shifang. 邮局离这儿有些远,你最好坐车去。The post office is a bit far from here. take a bus. 为什么不早点儿把这个好消息告诉他呢? tell him the good news a little earlier? 战士们已连续工作了 18 个小时,有必要让他们停下来休息。 The soldiers have kept working for 18 hours . 莉莉,七点了,该起床了。It’s seven o’clock,LiLy. . “鸟巢”很美,我们都想尽快去参观。The Bird Nest is all of us want to visit it as soon as possible. 六点钟了。该吃晚饭了。It’s six o’clock. supper. 博物馆很近。为什么不走着去呢?The museum is quite near. on foot. 他 过 去 玩 电 脑 游 戏 的 时 间 太 多 , 结 果 对 学 习 不 再 感 兴 趣 了 。 he was not interested in his lessons any more. 天黑了,你最好回家吧。It’s dark now. . 我今天没有时间去看望他们。 明天怎么样 ? I have no time to see them today. ? 李老师病情严重,但仍坚持工作。硬要她卧床休息是不可能的。Mrs Li is seriously ill,but she still keeps working. I’m afraid . 来吧,孩子们!该吃午饭.Come on,children. to have lunch. 你一到上海就给我打个电话号吗?Will you please call me ? 这个七岁的小女孩酷爱弹钢琴,以至于她已经坚持弹琴


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