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年产60 万吨矿渣粉生产线烘干粉磨系统设计 摘要:矿渣粉可以改善混凝土的耐久性和工作性,是一种性能优良的矿物细掺料,制造 矿渣粉是实现高炉矿渣高效利用的有效途径。本设计为一条年产60万吨矿渣粉生产线。 经考察了解,并分析振动磨、球磨机、辊压机及立磨系统工艺粉磨效率、能耗、成本等 优缺点的基础上,选用了立磨系统工艺。通过对比国内外立磨的使用情况和规模,选用 了国外立磨系统,又对比了国外几种立磨的生产和使用情况,选用了德国莱歇公司生产 的 LM46.2+2 。对物料平衡、主机平衡、储库平衡、热平衡、热风炉和矿渣粉磨系统的 设备选型进行了计算,并据此对矿渣粉磨系统的主要设备以及其相关的附属设备的规格 型号进行了选择。本次设计秉着力求使产品达到“优质、环保、节能” 的原则,对生产工 艺技术方案以及粉磨车间设备进行了仔细的斟酌与取舍,并做出了生产总体布置平面图 和矿渣粉磨系统工艺布置图。 关键词:高炉矿渣,立磨系统,矿渣粉磨 第I 页 共Ⅲ 页 The designer of drying grinding system of 600000t/a Slag powder production line Abstract :Slag power can improves the durability and work performance of concrete, is a better mineral component in concrete and the effective way to realize efficient use of metallurgy blast furnace slag. So The graduation project Designed a production line of 600 000 t/a super fine slag. By seeing about, we chose the vertical technology and determined the quality indexes and process parameters after comparing the grinding efficiency, energy consumption and final cost of vibromill, ball mill, rolling press and vertical mill. By comparing the use of roller mill at home and abroad and scale, vertical mill system used abroad, but also compared several vertical mill of foreign production and use, selection of the German Loesche produced LM46.2 +2. I design and calculate the slag burden plan, material balance, main engine balance ,storehouse balance, heat balance and the choice of the type of equipments used in the slag grinding plant. Sticking to the principle of making the product high-qualified, green and energy-saving, we have a through consideration of the technical craft plan and the alternative equipments in the slag grinding plant, and make our choice prudentl


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