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英文退运协议(5篇范文) 第一篇:英文退运协议 Returned agreement PartyA: FAO TRADING AND DISTRIBUTION CO.,LTD B: QINGDAO RUITIAN CLOTHING CO.,LTD Party in the APRIL.30, 2009 export the cargo to A(korea),(Name: cotton woven girl’s pants, the quantitys were 3479pcs, the amount was USD20004.25.as because of quanlity of the goods.Is to return Number: 204EA, weight 170.00KG, the amount of USD1179.63)Party as a result of non-performing products, the impact on B sales.Now the two sides reached an agreement to return the product, Party A to be done before the new product exports.Party A:B: December 8, 2008 第二篇:英文退运申请参考 Reason of this return Compulsory Certification(CCC), they need to return it to us so that well put back in our stock, and theyll be able to place a new order for correct items.Hope this will be OK for you.Best regards XXXXXXX 第三篇:退运协议_中英对照版 退 运 协 议 甲方: 乙方: 甲方于****年**月**日出口**钢板原海关单号************ 乙方收货后,发现品质问题1)****;2)****;3)****。无法使用,需全部退回。经双方友好协商就退货问题达成以下协议: 1)2)3)退运手续及退运费用均由卖方承担。 由于货物为试用,卖方无需赔偿买方经济损失。该协议一式两份,买卖双方各持一份。 本协议如有未尽事宜,双方得以适当方式另行商定,本协议自双方签订之日起生效。 甲方: 乙方: 签字: 签字: 盖章(公章): 盖章(公章): ****年**月**日 ****年**月**日 Agreement for the product Return Seller: Buyer: On WHEN Seller export WHERE origin steel plates(Customs declaration sheet number: ***************) After inspection on arrival of the above-mentioned goods, buyer found: 1)**** 2)**** 3)**** After negotiation, both parties agreed that the total, said *** pcs of products should return to the seller, and the return terms as follow: 1)Seller should be responsible for all of the cost occurred during return.2)As this contract is try-order, Buyer agreed that the seller will not responsible for any other lost.3)This agreement is made in two copies, Both seller and buyer are holding one copy.The agreement will effect after both parties signed.Should any other terms not declare in this agreement, both parties will negotiate in proper way.Seller Buyer Signature Date: Signature Date: 第四篇:出口退运 出口退运 最近在此看到很多企业在征询关于出口退运的手续问题,也发觉有些货代没有实际接触过(这个


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