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湘教版五年级下册第十单元第二课时教学设计 课题 Where were you yesterday? 单元 第十单元 学科 英语 年级 五年下 学习 目标 1.根据Part C的图片,掌握一般过去时的时间,yesterday, last week,last month 2.能理解 part D的对话。 3.能用Where were you yesterday /last week,last month?询问他人,你过去某个时间在哪里?。 重点 Where were you yesterday /last week,last month?询问他人,你过去某个时间在哪里? 难点 能理解、运用 Part D的对话。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 1.Greetings. 2.Play a game. 游戏规则: (1)Magic eyes. 游戏规则: 以最快的速度,记住图片和单词的搭配, 当老师盖住图片,请你找到它们的搭档。 (2)游戏规则: 看到手指,以最快的速度 读出手指指向的单词。 今天老师给大家带来了我们喜欢的卡通人物,看看他们都在哪里? 找到单词和对应的图片, 快速读单词 看图Ask and answer. 复习旧知 为学习Part C.做铺垫 讲授新课 1学习Lets practice. Where were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪里? I was at home. 今天森林里的小动物们,都来了,我们看看熊大 熊二 毛毛 吉吉,他们在昨天上周,上个月都去了哪里? 看看光头强是怎么提问的?然后根据小动物的回答,一起来完成表格。 Where were you yesterday?I was at home. Where were you last week?I was at work. Where were you last month? I was at school. 其他的几个小动物,出示图片。 2. 学习Lets read. Mr. White上周来到了我们的国家,我们看看他都了哪里?看课文,找找每句话的过去式。 Last week,Mr White was in China. He went to four cities. He was in Beijing on Monday and Tuesday. He visited the Great Wall. And on Thursday,Mr White went to Guangzhou.The food is nice.He liked it very much. The last city was Kunming.The weather in Kunming was sunny and warm.And people were kind to him. Mr White said: I love the cities and I love China! Watch the video,read after it. Ask and answer. 1.What cities did Mr White visit? __________________________ 2.Why did he feel happy in Hangzhou? __________________________ 3.Did he like the food in Guangzhou? __________________________ 4.Why did Mr White love China? __________________________ 试着读句子。角色扮演动物和光头强。 小组合作互相问答。填写表格,表演动物。 be-was go-went is-was like-liked are-were say-said Read the text. Answer the questions. 1.He visited Beijing,Hangzhou,Guangzhou and Kunming 2.Because he saw a beautiful lake. 3.Yes,he did 4.Because people were kind to him. 情景教学,学习单词。 边说句子边标出地点,减轻难度 视频教学,学生跟读。 3.Drills Lets practice. Look at the picture and use there be to make sentences. 4.Play games. 学习了这么久,让我们一起来做游戏吧! 跳一跳:准确读出单词, 可以跳到下一个盒子, 记住所有的单词


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