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选择性必修三Unit 6Nature in wordsB6U6Starting out Understanding ideasPre-readingActivity 1Read the short introduction to the author of First Snow and answer the questions.1 What careers did Priestley have in his lifetime? Priestly joined the army in World War I before going on to study at Cambridge University. After graduation, he worked as a freelance writer and radio presenter. 2 What do you think Priestley will write about snow? If you were Priestley, what would you write? While-readingHow does the author organise the structure of the passage?By the order of time.When I got up this morning…The sun came out…An hour or two later…Now…producing strong mental images by using unusual words 生动的;栩栩如生的While-readingActivity 4 /?p?kt???resk/adj. The author uses picturesque language to depict the first snow. Complete the diagram with the expressions you find in the passage.While-readingActivity 4SceneryTimelineThe world became a 1________________________ ____________. The light coming through the windows seemed quite strange, and it made the familiar business of splashing and shaving and brushing and dressing very strange too. cold place of dead white and pale bluesWhen I got up this morning…The snow became 2______________. My dining-room window changed into 3___________________. The little plum tree outside, with snow 4__________ _______________________________________, stood in full sunlight.delicate pinksa lovely Japanese printThe sun came out… lining its branches and artfully disposed along its trunkWhile-readingActivity 4SceneryTimelineEverything was a 5___________________________. The ground 6_______________, the sky was 7__________, and all the trees 8________________ __________________. The entire scene looked 9___________________.cold sparkle of white and bluewent on and onAn hour or two later… so many black and threatening shapesthick greylike a cruel grasslandThe snow is 10______________________________. The roofs are 11______. The trees are 12__________. I can see the



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