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选择性必修二 Unit 1 Predicative Clause 理解: 表语从句的结构及意义掌握: 表语从句的连接词及使用规则运用: 表语从句,去表达自己的想法Learning Objectivese7d195523061f1c0f0ec610a92cff745ee13794c7b8d98f89E8BE17CC3D63B9B1D6426C348A354AD505654C28F453CD7C8F90EADD06C08281DAED7140E5AAAED5880ECE414DFB6A93B82BE019406867034C3A8500A4827DCF3FBF74A471B736410707E336A01C9ADC9BE02ACCB8DF2121D81636A067B8AE80C6AB6F014154F4E7B7247 It surprised all students.That I won the first surprised all students.Review what is subject clause ?Sth句子做主语, 被称为主语从句 Review subject clause What Yuan really cared about was not money or celebrity.That Yuan had realised his dream of seawater rice surprised the whole world.It surprised the whole world that Yuan had realised his dream of developing seawater rice.句子做主语, 被称为主语从句 句子做表语, 被称为表语从句One theory was that bad air caused the disease. Another was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water.It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.The truth was that the water from the Broad Street pump had been infected by waste. 1. How to judge whether it is a predicative clause ? 主要依据:系动词后The problem is difficult.The problem is that he can not speak English.Sth 系动词有哪些?1. 状态类: be动词; keep,remain,stay,2. 感官类: look,feel(摸起来),smell, sound,taste3. 变化类: become,grow,turn,get,go,come,run,fall4. 像类: seem, appear,5. 终止类: turn out 结果是, prove 证明是 One theory was _______ bad air caused the disease. Another was _______ cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water.It seemed _______ the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.The truth was _______ the water from the Broad Street pump had been infected by waste. 2. How to choose correct conjunction (连接词) ? 主语从句和表语从句的【连接词】 类似 ___________ she says will not make any difference to my decision.The problem is ______ can handle the problem.________ matters most is that he cares little for celebrity or money.连接代词who,what,whic



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