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普通昆虫学 General Entomology;绪论Introduction; 一、节肢动物门 Arthropoda Arthro—分节,poda—足 body covered with cuticle, Segmented animals . 体被外骨骼,身体和附肢分节 Appendages: segmented Include: insects crustaceans arachnids Myriapods;(一)蛛形纲Arachnida;(二) 甲壳纲Crustacea;(三)唇足纲Chilopoda;(四)重足纲 Diplopoda;(五)昆虫纲Insecta;4. The genital aperture is located posteriorly on the abdomen. 生殖孔位于腹末。 5. Metamorphosis变态发育;二、昆虫的特点;2、The biomass of insects is gigantic. 3、we are surrounded by countless millions of insects. ? Why insect species are so richness?;三、Why is Entomology important? (一)昆虫的有害方面Harmful aspects As pests and human competitors, they destroy or eat crops; As disease vectors, insects weaken or kill 200 million people per year. ;(二)昆虫的有益方面Beneficial aspects 1、工业昆虫Industrial insects:白蜡虫、五倍子蚜虫、紫胶虫、蚕、蜜蜂。 2、传粉昆虫Pollinators 1/3 crop pollinated by insects. 3、生物防治Biocontrol:以虫治虫 4、 清洁工Natural cleaners Insects compose half the animal biomass in some tropical forests (Fittkau and Linge 1973). 5、食用Food、药用Medicine、饲料昆虫:蚕蛹、蝗虫entomophagy 6、 观赏Entertainment;三、昆虫学的分支 Branches of Entomology;应用学科 Agricultural entomology农业昆虫学 Forest entomology森林昆虫学 Urban entomology城市昆虫学 Medical entomology医学昆虫学 Storeproduct entomology仓贮昆虫学 Forensic entomology法医昆虫学 ;四、昆虫学历史和展望 History and Prospect of Entomology;Entomology is still in an early exploratory and descriptive phase; new families, features, life histories, distributional patterns, and lifestyles are discovered annually--many by scientists. The enormous benefits to humans implicit in the marvelous diversity, intricate biologies, precise behavior, and extraordinary abundance of insects and their allies--both as taxa and as genetic resources for biotechnology--remain mostly undeveloped and even unappreciated by industry and society. The chief obstacle to beneficial use of insect and terrestrial arthropod resources is adequate scientific reconnaissance of their diversity. To be effectively used, insect diversity must be discovered, described, and organized. P


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