NFPA 400-2022 Hazardous Materials Code 危险品守则 危险品守则.pdf

NFPA 400-2022 Hazardous Materials Code 危险品守则 危险品守则.pdf

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NFPA® 400 Hazardous Materials Code 2022 Edition 日 NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 An International Cod田and Standards Organization IMPORTANT N OTICES AND DISCLA如fERS CO NCERNING NFPA®STANDARDS p、JffA cod es, standards, recomm ended p racti ces, and t•id创CNFPA Standards). ofwh ich th e docum en t con tain ed herein is or町, are d evelop ed through a consensus standards develop mem proce由approved by the American National Standards Institute. Th is process brings together volu nteers representing varied vie叩oi n臼 川d interests to ach ieve consensus on fi re and other 制fo ty issues. Wh ile the NF PA adm in isters th e proce硝注nd establishes ru les to p romote fairness in Lh e cl白· elopmem of consensus, it does ’1。t ir、depe1、de’111)•’ 【.est, e、号圣l uate,。E. ve T he NFPA disdai’ns liability fw any pe阳C)J、al i1tj u1γ, p1叩eny,,, 。1· m he 1·dam ages of any naLure whaL~oev凹, whether special, indire口, consequential or compensator予directly or ind irectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance on NFPA Standards. The NFPA also makes no guaranty or warranty 描to the accuracy or comp leten ess of any information p ublished herein In issu ing and maki ng NFPA Standards availab le, the NF PA is not u ndertaki ng to render p rofessional or other serv吨创for or on behalf of any pe 1 ~on 0 1enti ty. Nor is the NFPA un dertaking to perfon’3 泊ny duty owed by any p erson or emily to someone else. An yone using this docum em should rely on his or hero飞vn indepen dem judgmen t o r, as appropria胆, seek th e advice of a competent professional in determ in ing the exercise or reasonable ca re in any given ci rcumstan ces 111e NFPA has n o power, nor does it un dertake, to police or enfo1℃e compliance with the contents of NFPA Standards. Nor does the NFPA list, certi粤test, or insp ect pro仙cts,de吨ns, or installations for compliance with this document . Any certificati on or other statem en t of complianc e with the reJuirem en ts of this document shall nm be au.lib 1n able



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