7B U7 同步知识点原文再现+知识点精讲 Reading-Task(有答案)(牛津译林版).docVIP

7B U7 同步知识点原文再现+知识点精讲 Reading-Task(有答案)(牛津译林版).doc

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江苏牛津译林版7B UNIT 7 同步知识梳理 Reading 8.原文再现:He was ___________ __________ _________ _________ his neighbour _________ a fire. 他足够勇敢,把他的邻居从大火中救了出来。brave enough to save; from 知识精讲: ①save v. 救,救助 save sb 救某人 save sb. from 从...救出某人 save ones life 救某人的命 The doctors are trying to save the dying boy. We raised lots of money to save the girls life. ②save v. 储蓄;存钱;保存 I plan to save part of my salary each month. ③save v. 节省;节约 We should save paper. 中考链接: (2020苏州) The doctors and nurses managed _________ the lives of patients, though they didn’t have enough medicine. A. save B. saving C. to save D. to saving 2) (2018南京) Lin Tao was___▲ (勇敢的) enough to save his neighbour from a fire. 答案: 1) C 2) brave 9.原文再现:He ________ someone ____________ “Fire! Fire! Help!” 他听到有人在大喊 heard; shouting 知识精讲: hear sb. doing sth. 指听见某人正在做某事,强调听到的动作正在进行 When I went back to my room, I heard her reading English in the next room. hear sb. do sth 指听到某人做了或经常做某事 I hear her come in and go upstairs. I often hear the girl play the violin in the park. 中考链接: 1)(2020南通) I can’t hear you well. Please say it louder. (保持句意基本不变) Please say it louder ________ _________ I can hear you well. 2)(2016扬州) I see no light and hear no sound ___________ the wind that far away.(除了……之外) 3) (2019扬州) We heard somebody shouting, “The thieves have s___71____Jim!” 答案: 1) so that 2) except 3) stolen 10.原文再现:Her left leg was __________ _________ and she __________ not _________ _________. 她的左腿受伤很严重,出不去了。badly hurt; could; get out 知识精讲: ①hurt adj. 受伤的,作定语或表语。 His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident. ②hurt vt. 使受伤,伤害,宾语通常是某人、身休部位或人的情感。 Be careful not to hurt yourself. ③hurt vi (身体某部位)感到疼痛 Her head often hurts. 中考链接: (2017连云港) —Frank, you worried. Anything wrong? —My mum fell over and was badly hurt while she __________on a rainy day. (cross a road) (2016常州) Don’t touch the _______________(break ) glass. It may hurt your hand. 答案: 1) was crossing a road 2) bro


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