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Belly;Section 1 Technology ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Chapter 2 Diagnosis of digestive tract radiography ;Plain film/screen ;;;;;;Contrast examination ;Barium sulfate;;;;;;double contrast with gas and barium ;;Low tension contrast of duodenum ;(2)Barium meal study : jejunum, ileum, ileocecum ;barium-infusion study:;;(3)double-contrast barium enema ;2 Angiography ;;;;;Section 2 Observation and analysis of gastrointestinal radiology;;Esophagus;Three phases of esophageal peristalsis: Primary peristalsis Secondary peristalsis Tertiary contractions;Normal esophageal:;;double-contrast study of normal esophagus,normal impressions of esophagus;Stomach;;;Mucosal folds;;Duodenum;;bulb of Duodenum;jejunum and ileum;;Barium meal image of jejunum and ileum;Normal ileocecal part;large intestine;filling image muscal image;;Basic radiographic appearance of diseases of alimentary tract ;1.Changes of contour;crater: contour protruding outward the lumen(gastric ulcer);crater in the lesser curvature of the stomach;crater(en face view): localized barium on the posterior wall of the body of stomach and radiating folds extend directly to the ulcer;crater on duodenal bulb;Diverticulum of the descending portion of duodenum ;(2)filling defect;Filling image( supine position):mass in the gastric antrum ;Filling image(supine position): leiomyoma of stomach fundus;2.change of mucous membrane and mucous fold;destruction of mucosal folds:esophageal carcinoma;flattening of mucosal folds:narrowing of the lumen of the gastric antrum with stomach wall ;fixation and mucosal grooves shallowing;thickening of mucosal folds: mucosal folds of the gastric antrum appear resembling Polypoid(Polypoid);ulcer of duodenal bulb:crater (arrow) on the center of the duodenal bulb,edema zone surround and radiating folds extend to it ;erosive gastritis: areae gastricae enlarged and coarsened;3.Change of lumen : narrowing and dilatation;;4.Position and and mobility ;5.Abnormalities of gastrointestinal motility;;;;;Secti


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