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7B Unit 7 单元复习英语 1. ability (n.) 能力Was the man _________ to pull himself up the rocks?Mary has the __________ to complete the task in two days.We should not look down on the people with intellectual ____________. Key points(pl.) abilities(opposite) disability intellectual disabilities 智障(adj.) able, 有能力的; unable,没有能力的be able to do/ be unable to do have the ability(abilities) to do ableabilitydisabilities 2. believe it or not 信不信由你He is an honest boy. I __________ what he says.Its said that people in the west _____________ God.David is a person worthy of __________.believebelieve inbeliefbelieve in sb = trust sbbelief (n.) 信念;信仰 3. look out 留神,当心 look out at sth 向外看某东西 look out of the window/ door 向窗外/ 门外看西蒙喜欢坐在阳台上向外看海滩和海。 Simon likes to sit on the balcony and look out at the beach and the sea.这小男孩上课时常常向窗外看鸟儿。The little boy often looks out of the window to see the birds. 4. send 发送;邮寄 ( send-sent-sent)Your books have to be packed up to __________ the university.She was afraid to __________ her only son to the battle. John’s uncle is badly ill, so he has __________ a doctor.China has __________ many satellites into space over the years.send sth to sb/ send sb sthsend up 向上发射send away 发送;驱逐;派遣send for 派人去请send awaysent forsent upsend to 5. pay, spend, take, cost人+pay 钱 for 东西 (pay-paid-paid)人+spend 时间/金钱 on sth/ doing sth (spend-spent-spent) it +take 人 +时间+ to do sth (take-took-taken) =事情+ take +人+时间东西+cost 人+金钱 (cost-cost-cost)The necklace _________ her 2000 yuan yesterday.=She _________ 2000 yuan on the necklace yesterday.=She _________ 2000 yuan for the necklace yesterday.Finishing the work __________ him nearly six hours.tookcostpaidspent 6. raise 募集;举起,抬起;饲养,抚养; raise sth for sb raise your head/ hand raise cows/ hens rise 上升;升起 (不及物)主语通常是太阳,旗帜,烟雾,价格,水位,温度等。(rise-rose-risen)Can you tell me how to ________ a rabbit?The water ________ a lot because of the big rain.Lucy _________ her head and saw an rainbow in the sky


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