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catti翻译大赛初赛真题 一、单项选择 1. Which of the following statements about who is responsible for any error that might occur in the process of translation or interpreting is wrong? A. Translators must take all errors seriously no matter whether they occur in the source language or in the target language and correct them promptly. B. Once an interpreter finds that the speaker has made an obvious factual or logical mistake, he she should correct it in his her interpretation in a timely manner. C. When someone points out a mistake in the interpretation, the interpreter should immediately admit and correct it. D. If your translation needs to be revised by others, the quality of the translation remains your responsibility, including the errors that have occurred in the revised part. 解析:本道题考查了翻译职业道德。本道题设问较复杂,但并不 难理解,抓住关键词 error that may occur in the process of translation可知,本道题考查选手如何应对翻译过程中出现的错 误。同时,本道题是“选错题”,即选出一个选项并不是正确做法的 选项,是一个典型的陷阱设置题,选手在做题时千万不可大意。A选 项为 “应严 对待源语和译入语中出现的错误” ;B选项为 “在口译 时,应及时纠正讲话中出现的明显事实和逻辑错误”;C选项为 “在 口译中,如果有人指出翻译的错误,译员应及时接受并改正”;D选 项为 “当译员的译文被他人修改后,在他人修改部分如果出现了错误, 译员也要对此部分内容负责”;显然,D项不符合问题处理的思路。 考生在解答此类问题时,要对译员的行为规范有清楚认知,包括基本 行为规范以及译前、译中、译后行为规范四部分。 2. Avery had established himself as a an microbiologist, but had never imagined venturing into the new world of genes and chromosomes. A. efficient B. competent C. patient D. innocent 解析:本道题为词汇辨析题,主要考查选手对句子内容的理解能 力和词汇的积累情况。原句为 “埃弗里已经是一位 微生物学 家身份,但从未想过要冒险涉足基因和染色体领域。根据关键词 “himself, microbiologist”这样的表达,还有had done something” 这样的句型和传递出的语气,可以确定,这里需要选择一个可以修饰 人、且能与后半句内容衔接起来的形容词。A项表示“效率高的”; B项表示“有能力的、足以胜任的” ;C项表示“耐心的” ;D项表 示“无辜的”。所以这里最合适的应该是B选项。 3. It is imperative that the government more investment into the autonomous driving industry. A. attracts B. shall attract C. attract D. attracted 解析:本道题为语法判断题。it is imperative that是一个固 定句


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