“说”的多样表达课件【高效备课精研+知识精讲提升】 高三英语二轮专题.pptx

“说”的多样表达课件【高效备课精研+知识精讲提升】 高三英语二轮专题.pptx

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晨读晚背之细节刻画;目 录;可以替换say的动词;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;被不同表达修饰后的“说”;1.“Do you know the answer ?” he said with eagerness.“你知道答案吗?”他急切地说。 2. “Of course,” Nancy replied with a smile.“当然,”南希笑着回答。 3.The house got really noisy at that time, with everybody hollering and shouting at the top of his voice.那栋房子真是很吵闹,每个人都在用最大的嗓门大喊大叫。;1.【2022年新高考全国I卷】The children said loudly, “Happy Mother’s Day!” 孩子们大声说:“母亲节快乐!” 2.“I won’t let you down,” he replied confidently. 他信心十足地回答道,“我不会让你失望的。” 3.“My best friend is leaving, ”she said sadly. “我最好的朋友要走了,” 她难过地说。 4.“Thats impossible, she thought aloud. “那不可能,”她自言自语地说。; 1.“I didn’t get an ideal score in the math exam, ”said Lily, disappointed. “我在数学考试中没有得到理想的分数,”莉莉失望地说。 ;1. “Time to go.” I whispered to the girl, wishing she could follow me right away.“该出发了。”我轻声对小女孩说,希望她能立马跟上。 2. “ He turned me out of the room this morning, ”said James, stamping his foot with excitement.早上他把我赶出了房间,”詹姆斯激动的跺着脚说。 3.“I didnt know what I was doing,”she said, laughing.“我不知道我在做什么,”她笑着说。 4. “Ill get us some coffee,” she said, heading for the kitchen.“我去给我们拿点咖啡,”她说着朝厨房走去。 ;1. Frank quickly told Belle Ringer and the other two drivers about Stevies surgery, and then sighed.弗兰克快速地告诉Belle Ringer和其他两名司机 Stevie手术的事,说完之后叹了口气。 2.“I dont believe you any more”He turned around, slammed the door and stormed out.“我再也不相信你了。”他转过身,砰的一声关上门,冲了出去。 3. James murmured a thank you and ran home all the way.James 轻轻地说了声“谢谢”后一路跑回了家。 4. He paused, looked straight into her eyes, and said in a quiet voice, “Thats true.他停下来,直视着她的眼睛,平静地说:“那是真的。”;1.“I was attacked by a wolf and I thought I would never see you again.” Mac hugged them and burst out crying.“我被狼袭击???,我以为再也见不到你了。”麦克抱着他们,大哭起来。 2.He interrupted the silence with an announcement: “The deadline to enter for the Competition is tomorrow.”他用一则通知打断了沉默:“报名参加比赛的截止日期是明天。” 3.She suggested a walk in the open air and he readily agreed.她提议去户外走走,他欣然同意了。 4.He went along, stopping his friends beginning endlessly his statement.他走过去拦住他的朋友们,开始了他无休止的陈述。;say后接状语从句,增加了细节描写。即



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