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考研英语:翻译真题精讲--第1页 考研英语:翻译真题精讲() 考研英语:翻译真题精讲--第1页 考研英语:翻译真题精讲--第2页 ———————————————————————————————— 作者: ———————————————————————————————— 日期: 考研英语:翻译真题精讲--第2页 考研英语:翻译真题精讲--第3页 考研英语 :翻译真题精讲 (1) 一、全真试题 Th e st andardized education al or psyc hol ogical tests that a re wid ely us ed t o aid in selectin g,classifyi ng,assig ning,or pr omoti ng s tude nts,employee s,a nd mi litary person ne l hav e b een the ta r get of rec ent att acks in boo ks,ma gazine s,t he da ily press,a nd ev en i n Congress. (7 1)The t arget is wro ng,f or in a ttack ing t he tes ts, crit ics dive rt atte ntion fr om t he faul t t hat lies wit h il l -info rmed o r i ncompet ent users. Th e t ests thems elve s are mer e ly tools,wi th character istics that can be measure d with reasonable p r ec ision under specified conditio ns. Whet her the res ults wil l be v aluable,m eaningle ss,or even mi slead ing depends pa rtly u pon th e to ol itse lf but largely upon th e use r. Al l in formed pred ictions of f ut ure perf ormance are b ased u po n some know ledge of relevant past performance: scho ol gr ad e s,research produ ct ivity,s ale s rec ord s,or wha te ver i s appropr iate. (7 2)How wel l the red iction s wi ll be valid ate d by late r perfo rm an ce de pends upon the am ou nt,reliabi lity,an d a propriatene s s o f t he inform ati on used a nd on the sk il l and wis dom with w hich it is in terpret ed. An yone who keeps ca reful score kn ow s th at the informa ti on availa ble is a lw ays incomplet e an d th at the predi cti ons are alway s sub ject to error. Standardized tests sho


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