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2011-3-16 双语PPT Alternative manufacturing strategies MTP (make-to-plan,make-to-stock作成存货 ), its strategies are characteristic of industries exploiting economy of scale gained from long production runs. MTO (make-to-order ), its strategies seek to manufacture to customer specification. To be continued ATO (assemble-to-order), base products and components are manufactured in anticipation of future customer orders; however, the products are not fully assembled or customized until a customer’s order is received.生产出基本产品和部件,订单到后再组装 question MTO 的缺点是什么? MTO requires less finished goods inventory than MTP and ATO strategies, however, it requires significant component inventory and may result in high-cost customer accommodation. Total cost manufacturing Lean Systems Six Sigma 内涵是什么? 4.4 logistical interfaces Whether the manufacturing strategy is MTO, ATO, or MTP, logistics links suppliers and customers with manufacturing processes. JIT MRP JIT JIT原理和目标 Just in Time,首创于20世纪50年代日本丰田汽车公司,1972年以后被广泛应用于日本汽车和电子工业,此时被称为“丰田生产管理系统”。 JIT的原理: ⒈企业的物料供应、生产和销售应形成连续的同步运动过程; ⒉仅把所需的原材料运送至加工场所,立即加工成零件,依据需求有效组织生产; ⒊所需零件立即被装配成组件,而后被装配成制 * * Chapter4 Procurement and Manufacturing Outline Dimensions of Product Quality Procurement Manufacturing Lean and Six Sigma Logistical Interfaces Summary Figure 2-2 Logistical Integration Three performance cycles were identified that must be linked through effective logistics. Procurement cycle links an organization with its suppliers The manufacturing support cycle involves the logistics of supporting production The customer accommodation cycle links a firm with its markets. review P41 The performance cycle represents the elements of work necessary to complete the logistics related to customer accommodation, manufacturing, or procurement. 4.1 How to measure dimensions of product quality? Performance The most obvious aspect of quality; An item may actually have several performance dimensions; 电脑,运行速度、内存、硬盘容量、外观等 Internal memory, hard


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