王俊《商务英语函电》4. Conclusion of Business.pptVIP

王俊《商务英语函电》4. Conclusion of Business.ppt

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contract n. 合同,合约 v. 订立(合同,契约等) Sales Contract 售货合同 Sales Confirmation 售货确认书 Purchase Contract 购货合同 Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书 breach of contract 违约 draft contract 合同草案 Language Points draw up/ draft a contract 草拟合同 sign a contract 签订合同 fulfill /carry out a contract 履行合同 as contracted 按合同规定 We always respect contracts and honor our promises. 我们一贯重合同,守信用。 The two companies contracted a merger. 这两家公司签订了兼并合同。 as a result of 由于(……的结果) Demand for canned food has decreased a lot as a result of the present economic depression. 由于经济萧条,对罐头食品的需求已大幅度下降。 exchange n. v. 兑换;交换 foreign exchange 外汇 rate of exchange 或 exchange rate 外汇率 The exchange of needed goods between the two countries has greatly promoted the development of their trade and economy. 两国之间商品的互通极大地促进了其贸易和经济的发展。 During this phone call, both parties exchanged ideas on the design of the garments. 在这次电话中,双方就服装的款式交换了意见。 in duplicate 一式两份 in triplicate 一式三份 in quadruplicate 一式四份 in quintuplicate 一式五份 countersign v. 副署,会签 When the Sales Contract has been signed by the seller, it will be counter- signed by the buyer. 卖方签过售货合同后,买方将会签。 countersignature n. 副署,会签 亦作 counter signature 或 counter-signature We attach hereto our S/C No. 903 in duplicate for your countersignature. 现附上我方第九○三号销售确认书一式两份,请会签。 for one’s file 供某人存档 The copy of the agreement is sent to you for your file. 协议副本寄给你方供存档。 conclude v. 达成,议定 We regret that the transaction can’t be concluded at your price, as it is far below our cost. 抱歉无法按你方价格成交,因其远远低于我们的成本。 conclusion n. 结束 They decided to bring the negotiation to a speedy


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