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英语长难句分析高三复习warming up①回顾五大基本句型1. LaoLi has solved the problem. 2. You can give your parents a gift.3. Chinese models are the faces.4. The invention allowed people to visit the beach.5. Academician Yuan Longping died.主谓主谓宾主谓宾1宾2主谓宾宾补主系表START英语中的五种基本句型可以说是句子的灵魂,但实际上我们平常看到的句子更加复杂,因为句子中充满了修饰Sample HeadingSample Heading复杂句的炼成基本句型添加 .定语.状语.同位语.插入语 …组合 .并列句.复合句.并列复合句 …START判断START并列句并列复合句简单句复合句并列连词+从属连词从属连词并列连词主干Sample HeadingPresentation ②长难句初体验同位语介词短语Mr Bao, a nice gentleman of medium height with short black hair, who is strict with us and devoted to his work,is our geography teacher, 从句thus deeply loved and admired by his students.非谓语长难句到底难在哪里??(1)中心词加了较多修饰语,后置的定语给理解带来较大困难。(2)简单句加了较多修饰语,尤其是非谓语动词,含义丰富,形式灵活。(3)含有三大从句的复合句。(名,定,状从)(4)并列成分、对等结构的存在。(5)同位语、插入语的运用。(6)特殊句式的使用:倒装、强调句型和省略。Sample Heading“一划二括三会意,读懂长难句”长难句,看仔细。一划二括三会意。主谓宾,先注意。(一划 trunk)(介短非谓和从句)。(二括 modifier)抓主题,去修饰。(三会意)逻辑关系要注意。Sample Heading How can we find out the modifiers ? Sample Heading1(1)In spite of the difficulties, we went on with our work.(2)Apps are of great use.(3)Did you like the last grand fashion show of the 20th century?常用介词:between, among, through, despite, in , about, across, in addition to, as well as, during, including,against, by, within, considering, regarding..1(4)Sharing personal experiences including our tears as well as our dark dreams ________(be) the surest way to deepen friendship.(5)China’s Liangzhu Archaeological Site _______________ (declare) on the list of World Heritage sites on Saturday by UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee during its 43rd session in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. iswas declared2识别同位语由两个或两个以上同一层次的语言单位组成的结构,后项是前项的同位语。(1)Mr Zhang, our president, asked us not to punish students.(2)Tony, one of the cleverest boys in our school, is planning to attend the university.2识别同位语(3)Their idea proved a huge success, one that continues to grow in popularity.(4)The eight-part series(系列节目), Save Money: Good Food, follows in the footsteps of ITVS Save Money: Good Health, whi


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