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Ebola Ebola Virus IntroductionFirst appeared in Africa 1976“African Hemorrhagic Fever” acute,mostly fatal diseasecauses blood vessel “bursting”systemic (all organs/tissues) humans and nonhuman primatesExcluding ‘2000 outbreak1,500 cases over 1,000 deaths Ebola TaxonomyScientific Classification Order: Mononegavirales Family: Filoviridae Genus: Ebola like viruses Species: Ebola Subtypes Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan,Ebola-Ivory Coastdisease in humansEbola-Reston disease in nonhuman primatesCopyrighted Dr. Fre:derick A. Murphy, D.V.M., Ph.D. 1976. Filoviridae or “Filoviruses”Most mysterious virus group Pathogenesis poorly understood Ebolanatural history/reservoirs unknownexist throughout the world endemic to Africafilamentous ssRNA- (antisense) virusesImage courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control 埃博拉病毒 埃博拉病毒结构示意图 Ebola PathogenesisEnters Bloodstream skin, membranes,open wounds Cell Level docks with cell membraneViral RNA released into cytoplasm production new viral proteins/ genetic material New viral genomesrapidly coated in protein create coresCopyright: Russell Kightley Media, Australia Ebola Pathogenesis, contViral cores stack up in cellmigrate to the cell surfaceproduce trans-membrane proteins push through cell surfacebecome enveloped by cell membranessRNA- Genome Mutations capable of rapid mutationvery adaptable to evade host defenses and environmental changeTheory virus evolved to occupy special niches in the wild Symptoms and Diagnostic TestsEarly symptomsmuscle aches, fever, vomitingred eyes, skin rash, diarrhea, stomach painAcute symptoms bleeding/hemorrhaging from skin, orifices, internal organsEarly Diagnosis very difficultsigns symptoms very similar to other infectionsLaboratory Test PCR detection ELISA (enzyme-linked immuno-absorbant) assay Symptoms of EbolaInitial symptoms are nonspecific - may include fever, chills, myalgias, and malaise.Patients can progress to develop gastrointestinal symptoms:severe watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abd


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