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新时代通用英语1评估手册答案 Unit Test Unit 1 Hobbies Part 1 Listening Comprehension (15 points) Section A Directions: There are 5 recorded dialogues in this section. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. When you hear a question, choose the correct answer. 1. A. An indoor sport. B. A water sport. C. A team sport. D. A ball sport 2. A. He’s done this activity before. B. He’s not keen on outdoor activities. C. He has other plans. D. He’s frightened of heights. 3. A. How much it costs to join the chess club. B. How many people are members of the club. C. Where the chess club meets. D. When the chess club meets. 4. A. He’s too busy with his studies. B. He’s already a member of a drama group. C. He prefers sporty activities. D. He’s not good at acting. 5. A. He likes to relax B. He likes to be very busy, with lots of activities C. He spends time indoors. D. He spends time outdoors. Section B Directions: Listen to the two conversations and answer the questions. Conversation 1 1. What kind of hobby is Karen looking for? A. A relaxing, indoors hobby. B. A sociable, outdoors hobby. C. A sociable, indoors hobby. D. A hobby which keeps her mind active. 2. What does Karen think of Jamie’s suggestion? A. She thinks it’s a great idea. B. She thinks it sounds too expensive. C. She thinks it sounds dangerous. D. She thinks it sounds boring. Conversation 2 3. What is Simon’s problem? A. He’s bored. B. He doesn’t have time to relax. C. He can’t find a job. D. He doesn’t have any money. 4. Why does his friend suggest that he finds a new hobby? A. It would help him to become better at sport. B. It would help him to make new friends. C. It would be good for his health. D. It would help keep his mind active. 5. Which of his friend’s suggestions does Simon agree to? A. Taking up a new sport. B. Joining a photography club. C. Taking up painting. D. Playing a boardgame. Section C Directions: Listen to the recorded passage three times. During the second readi


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