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PAGE 2 高考英语读后续写 情感描写素材 一、后悔 【单词】 形容词/副词 guilty, regretful, guiltily 名词/动词 guilt, regret 【高级词块】 much to one’s regret/to one’s great regret 令某人深感遗憾的是  with deep/great regret 很遗憾地  be full of guilt/be consumed with guilt 满心愧疚  a feeling of guilt 内疚感 shed tears of regret. 流下后悔的泪水 regret doing… 后悔做某事 feel sorry for… 后悔做某事 feel regretful about... 后悔做某事 be ashamed of...后悔做某事 be guilty about/at/for/over 后悔做某事 【句子赏析】 With/Holding the little dog statue in his hand, the old man felt a flood of regret welled up in him. 手里拿着小狗雕塑,老人觉着心中涌起一阵懊悔。 Jane regret over what she had done. 简对自己所做的事感到后悔。 “If only I hadn’t acted so willfully.” she thought regretfully, with teas welling up in her eyes. “要是我没有这么任性就好了。”她后悔地想,眼里涌出了泪水。 Staring at all the mess, I felt bitterly regretful that I wasnt careful enough. 看着这一堆乱七八糟的,我非常后悔自己不够细心。 How I regretted that I wasnt careful enough. The coffee spoiled my new dress! 我多么后悔自己不够小心。咖啡弄脏了我的新衣服! Oops! I spilled the coffee on my new dress! If only I had been more careful.哦! 我把咖啡洒在新衣服上了! 要是我再细心一点就好了。 “If I hadn’t quarreled with Tom, I wouldn’t have to be here.” Jane thought regretfully, with tears welling up in her eyes. “如果我没有和汤姆吵架,我就不会在这里了。”简后悔地想,眼里涌出了泪水。 She wanted to say sorry to Tom for losing her temper. 她想对汤姆发脾气说声对不起。 I was feeling a strange sense of guilt.我感到一种奇怪的恐惧感内疚。 I was overcome by a wave of guilt and words failed to express my regret. 我被一阵内疚所压倒,言语无法表达我的遗憾。 I suddenly felt guilt growing inside me. 我突然感到内心越来越内疚。 Filled with guilt, I rushed out to apologize to Tom. 我满怀内疚,冲出去向Tom道歉。 Looking at Tom’s face wet with tears, I began to feel guilty. 看着Tom泪流满面的脸,我开始感到后悔和内疚。 I stayed there with tears of regret in my eyes. If only I hadnt quarreled with Tom! 我待在那里,眼里含着后悔的泪水。要是我没和Tom吵架那多好啊! I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation. 很遗憾,我不能接受你的友好邀请。 Had I not misunderstood him then, everything would be different now! 如果我当时没有误解他,现在一切就都不一样了! 二、哀愁压抑 【句子赏析】 1.The frosty air blew in, cutting like knife. 寒冷的空气



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