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West Pharmaceutical Packaging (China ) Co., Ltd. New Production Facility in Qingpu Technical Proposal Page PAGE 52 Method of Construction 施工技术方案 一.土建工程施工方案 Civil Works 1.1平面测量控制 Plane Elevation Survey Controls 根据总平面中主厂房、办公楼的位置,用激光经纬仪和钢卷尺配合将厂房四个边轴引出,在轴线的两端钉龙门桩,并由测量员保护,且经常进行复核,使用前也必须进行复核。 According to locations of manufacturing building showing in General layout drawing, use laser theidlite and rolling ruler set out the four side axies of each building, set up a portal frame pile as data mark the pile need to be protected and checked by surveyor. Before use the data mark, it need to be checked. Before survey at the beginning of the project, a detail surveu plan will be developed.. 首先通过对总平面图和设计图纸的学习,了解工程总体布局、工程特点和设计意图,并了解工程所在地区的坐标和厂区红线规划,周围环境、现场地形等情况。 Prior to start the survey, the site layout, and design drawing will be studied carefully and thoroughly, understanding the site overall arrangement, understanding the features of the work, and understand the intent of design. be aware of the site coordinate system and red line. Surrounding conditions and the topography of the site. 熟悉和了解地面建筑物的布局、定位依据、定位条件及建筑物的主要轴线。 Familiar and understand the overall arrangement of the building, the basis and existing conditions for orientation and site survey of set out, understand the axial grid of buildings. 熟悉和了解本工程的水准点位置、标高、场地标高、建筑物的绝对标高。 Determine the location elevation of bench mark point, determine the site elevation and understand the absolute elevation of the building. 实施本工程的座标定位和轴线位置放线工作分三步完成,第一步由工地现场施工员放线,第二步由监理进行验线,第三步由业主代表是执行全面检查,合格后双方在测量验收记录上签字确认。 The coordinate orientation and axial grid set out include three steps, step 1, the surveyor set out the lines, step 2, the supervisor check the line and acceptance, step 3, inspect and check by Clients Agent. The checked and accepted records of coordinate orientation and axial grid set out need to be signed by both Clie


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