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炎症肠病的诊断及治疗;IBD研究的历史沿革;溃疡性结肠炎的沿革;溃疡性结肠炎的沿革;850 AD. Written documentation of England‘s King Alfred : an illness causing pain, discomfort and much embarrassment (diarrhea) whenever he ate. In 1612 an autopsy was performed on a young boy whos intestines were noted to be ulcerated and whom had complained prior to his death of pain and abdominal cramping only when eating. 1920 and 1930 an increasing number of patients: abdominal cramping, diarrhea, fever and weight loss that turned out not to be appendicitis. ;in 1930 Dr. Crohn published a paper in collaboration with the others including Dr. Paul Klemperer on a medical condition they call “Terminal Ileitis: A new clinical entity” later to be called Crohns Disease. ;He joined Mount Sinai in 2010 as Chief of the Henry D. Janowitz Division of GI.? … was Medical Co-Director of the Crohns Colitis Center at MGH in Boston, where he most recently served as the hospitals Acting Chief of the Gastrointestinal Unit as well as Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. A longtime advocate for the continued translational research in CD and UC, among the first to report the efficacy of infliximab-a drug used to treat autoimmune diseases-in UC, … principal investigator for the landmark ACCENT II study, an international project that demonstrated the efficacy of the .. infliximab as a long-term treatment for fistulizing CD.;;cobblestone;中华医学会消化病学分会共识; UC诊断 ;UC诊断(I);UC诊断(II);UC诊断(III);UC诊断(IV);UC诊断(VI);UC诊断(VII);UC诊断(VIII);UC诊断(IX);病情严重度的分级指标;UC诊断步骤;UC疗效标准;UC复发的定义;激素抵抗重症UC内镜典型内镜特征; 直肠至脾曲粘膜充血,水肿,见多处散在不规则溃疡及糜烂被覆脓苔,触血;直肠至升结肠粘膜增厚,充血水肿明显,连续广泛密集分布大小不等较深溃疡面,边缘隆起分离。回盲部及末端回肠粘膜正常。病理:符合UC改变;直肠至升结肠粘膜脆弱、易出血,见多发溃疡形成,见糜烂,表面覆以白色粘液脓苔。末端回肠粘膜光滑。病理:粘膜急慢性炎伴坏死;进镜30cm,乙状结肠见密集分布的深凹的溃疡,表面覆白苔,溃疡间粘膜充血明显。距肛缘15cm以下直肠粘膜正常。;进镜50cm至降结肠。距肛缘25cm以上结肠粘膜增厚??充血水肿明显,血管纹理不清,表面散见较多大小不等“纵行”深凹溃疡,接触易出血,有假性息肉形成。;CD诊断;CD诊断(I);Crohn病的年龄分布;CD诊断(II);CD诊断(III);CD诊断(IV);CD诊断(V);CD诊断要点;CD诊断要点;;;;;;;;;;;;;;小肠克罗恩病;;CD的诊断标准(包括临床和病理概念) ;;CD诊断(V


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