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Unit 1 ArtNew words高二人教新课标版选修六1/23 faith n 信任;信心;信念 faithful adj 忠实,守信 faithfully adv 忠实地 have faith in 相信, 信任 I have faith in you– I know you’ll do well.2/23 2. consequently adv. 所以,所以He has never been to China. Consequently, he knows very little about it. It rained that day and ___ the baseball game was called off. A. however B. still C. so D. consequentlyD 3/23 他 睡过头了,结果迟到了。 He overslept, ______________ he was late.句型转换: As a result of her mother’s illness, she left school. Her mother became ill; ___________ she left school.consequentlyconsequently4/23 3. aimViVt.(常与at连用)瞄准; (向某方向努力)努力n. 目标,目标 (purpose)He aimed to swim a mile. 他目标是游一英里。What is your aim in life? 你生活目标是什么?5/23 The hunter took aim at the wolf. 猎手瞄准狼。He aimed the gun at the enemy officer. 他枪瞄准了敌军官。 He aimed at accuracy. 他力争准确。 aim at 力争;意在…… 6/23 这些办法意在削减政府开支。These measures ______ reducing government expenditure.他在生活中没有目标。He has ______ in life.aim at no aim7/23 4. conventional adj. 常规, 传统; 因循守旧conventional weapons 常规武器a conventional design 传统图案conventional opinions 旧观念8/23 5. typical adj.经典;含有代表性;象征性a typical character 经典人物typical example 经典事例9/23 6. evident adj. 明白, 显著 evidence n. 证据;证实Its evident that you are tired. 显然你累了。10/23 7. adopt v. 采取,收养,接收adopt an idea / a new technique. 采纳意见;采取新技术adopt a child 收为养子11/23 8. possession n. 拥有, 全部, 财产(惯用复数) possess v. 拥有,含有,支配 He possesses two cars. 他有两辆汽车。 take possession of ;in possession of占有 ,夺取I?am?in?possession?of?the?beautiful?car.?The beautiful car is in the possession of me. (归…全部)They took?possession?of?the?city. The enemy took their possessions.12/23 9. by coincidence 恰巧, 因为巧合 what a coincidence (it is)! 多么凑巧事情啊!What a coincidence (it is) to meet you here. 真巧在这儿碰到



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