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商务英语听说下册答案 Unit Two 1)A:这是我方1000箱茉莉花茶的报盘。 A:Here is our offer for 1000 cases of jasmine tea. B:你方报价实在是太高了,我方很难销售。 B:Well, your price is too high. It’ll be very difficult for us to make any sales. A:可你得知道近来茉莉花茶的价格看涨。 A:You must be aware that the price of jasmine tea has been increasing. B:可是越南供货商的价格比你方的要低些。 B:But Vietnamese suppliers give a lower price than yours. A:同行公认中国茉莉花茶质量上乘。 A:Every one in the trade knows that Chinese jasmine tea is far more superior. B:我不否认中国茉莉花茶的质量,但市场竞争很激烈,许多供应商实际上还在削价,以获得更大的市场份额。 B:I don’t deny the quality of your jasmine tea. But competition is keen. Many suppliers are in fact cutting their prices to try to get a large market share. A:迄今为止,我方的商品能够应付这种竞争,我们手头已有很多订单,还会有客户向我们下订单。这一点可以说明我公司的产品具有竞争力,我方的报价是有吸引力的。 A:So far, our product can handle the competition well. We’ve had many orders and more are coming. It just shows that our product is competitive and our price is attractive. 2)A:这是我公司的报价单,所有的价格以我方最后确认为准。 A:Here is our price list. All the prices are subject to our final confirmation. B:顺便问一下,你们给佣金吗? B:By the way, do you allow any commission? A:我们报的是离岸价净价,按照惯例是不给佣金的。 A:Well, our prices are quoted on an FOB net basis. As a rule, we don’t allow any commission. B:可是你知道我们是佣金商,我们是靠获取佣金来做买卖的。给予我们一定的佣金将有助于推销你方的产品。 B:But you know, we’re a commissioned agent. We do business on a commission basis. Commission transactions will surely help to push the sales of your products. A:可你方的订购数目不大。 A:Yet your order is really not large enough. B:那么在你们眼里订购多少才算大额订单呢? B:What quantity would you consider to be a large order? A:至少总额达到50万美元。 A:USD 500 000 or above. B:噢,这可是一大笔。陈先生,这是我们头一次做买卖,能否灵活一点给我们更优惠的条件?这样我们或许能建立长期的贸易关系。 A:Your price is 5% higher than that of the last transaction. B:你知道近来产品成本大增,同时我公司在确定价格的时候把此类产品价格上升的趋势考虑了进去。 B:You know production cost has increased a great deal recently. We also need to consider upward trends when we fix the price. A:可我方很难说服客户以这个价格购买此类产品。你方至少要在这个价格的基础上降价5%。 A:But it will be very difficult for us to persuade our clients to buy at


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