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Teaching Plan for Unit 3 1. Obje ctives: to he lp students unde rstand ge ne ral rules for de bate. 2. Gene ral Rules for De bate 3. Class de bate 4. Home work 2. Gene ral Rules for De bate: The follow ing rules are taken from Competitive Debate rules and Techniques by George Mc Coy Musgrave (1957), from some of Chapter 1. Keep in mind that some of these rules MAY NOT APPLY to modern debate. Debate, like many c ompetitive ac tivities, has rules and c ustoms w ith w hich partic ipants and judges should be thoroughly familiar. Until 1945 , the rules were largely unwritten; they passed by w ord of mouth from debater to debater and from school to school. It is not surprising, then, to find some disagreement as to w hat they actually are. In the last few years considerable progress has been mad e in the development of standards and proc edures generally acc eptable on a national basis. Widespread intersec tional c ompetition and national debate public ations have accelerated this trend... The Te ams The rules governing partic ipants are these: Rule 1. There are two teams. Each team consists of two or three speak ers. When the debate is arranged, agreement is reac hed as to w hether tw o - or three-man teams w ill be employed. Tw o-man teams now predominate... The Speeches Rule 2a. The speeches and speak ing time are divided equally between the two teams. The tournament rules or debate c ontract spec ifies the amount of time alloc ated to each speech. The total speaking time generally runs about one hour inc luding questioning periods. Rule 2b. Each team has two or three constructiv e speeches. It is c ustomary for each member of the team to be allow ed one constructive speech. Thus, if tw o-man teams are employed,


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