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初三英语《Unit 6 I like music that 1 can dance to》教案一、教学目标: .知识与技能 To learn and master the attributive Clause and useful expressions. Useful expressions: What kind of music do you like? I like music which/ that I can sing along with. I prefer singers who/ that write their own music. .过程与方法:提出问题,探究交流,培养学生自学能力Train students listening skills. Train students to express preferences. .情感态度与价值观:Let s enjoymusic. It always brings us happiness. 二、教学重点、难点: Talk about different kinds of music and their own preferences using the Attributive Clauses. . 重点:Attributive clause. . 难,点:Use the Attributive Clauses to express preferences. 三、教材分析定语从句是九年级课本第六单元的语法要点,是在1-5单元已经对该语法知识有所渗透的前提下安排的。本节课 话题是让学生体会音乐在生活中无处不在,体会不同类型音乐的特点,学会热爱生活;能用简单的定语从句形式 表述自己的观点。通过本节的学习,增强学生对复合句的理解,提高其对此句式的应用能力。 四、教学策略 Learning Strategies采用任务型语言教学,实施情境教学法、情感激励法。 五、教学工具自制多媒体课件(PowerPoint);录音机(A tape recorder) 六.课时安排:第一课时教学过程: Step 1 RevisionRead the words that we have learned this Unit. Step 2 Warming upGreet the class. Listen to a piece of music. Step 3 PresentationDiscuss: Do you like music? Do you know what kind of music you like? I like jazz, rock, pop---Compared to these two kinds of music, which kind of music do you prefer? I prefer quiet and gentle music. = I prefer music which is quiet and gentle. Use “I prefer music which ???” to make some sentences and translate them intoChinese. (Showing some photos) I love singers who write their own music---. 引导代词which/ who可以用that代替。 I prefer music that is quiet and gentle. I love singers that write their own music. Step 4 Grammar FocusIntroduce the Attributive Clause. 定语从句的定义:在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句,翻译为“…的”。 关系代词who, which, that的用法。 定语从句谓语动词的数Step 5 Listening lb: Listen and check the kinds of music Tony and Betty like. 2a: Listen and circle T or F” , 2b: listen and fill in the table. Step 6 SummaryToday we have learned the Attributive Clause and useful expressions. Step 7 Practice (见下页)Step 8 Homework完成随堂优化训练 Exercises.用正确的关系代词填空: (1)George Mallory was an English school teacher



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