《激光原理与技术》Principles and Technology of Lasers全套教学课件(含复习课件).pptx

《激光原理与技术》Principles and Technology of Lasers全套教学课件(含复习课件).pptx

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激光原理与技术 Principles and Technology of Lasers 全套教学课件;教材: 激光原理,周炳琨等编著;国防工业出版社  2000, 2004,2008 参考书目: 1、激光原理与技术,安毓英等编著;科学出版社 2010 2、激光原理, 盛新志,娄淑琴; 清华大学出版社 2010 3、激光器件,马养武等;浙江大学出版社 2001 4、激光技术,蓝信钜;科学出版社 2001 5、激光原理学习指导,高以智等编著;国防工业出版社 2006 6、Principles of Lasers,Orazio Svelto;Plenum Press 1998;绪论;二、激光的发展简史 History of laser developments;(first) Ruby laser, T.H.Maiman(1927-2007), July, 1960, at the Hughes Research Laboratories ; The crystalline structure of ruby is similar to the one of corundum, i.e. a crystal of aluminum oxide (Al2O3), in which the small part of atoms of aluminum (about 0.05 %) is replaced with ions Cr +++, producing a 694.3 nm output.;1964 W. B. Bridges Ar+ ion laser 1965 J. V. V. Kasper G. C. Pimentel chemical laser (HCl, 3.8 μm) 1966 P. P. Sorokin J. R. Lankard dye laser 1971 N. G. Basov et al. Xe2+ - excimer laser 1984 P.F. Moulton Ti-Sapphire laser (Ti3+:Al2O3) 1961 R. J. Collins Q-switching 1965 H. W. Mocker R. J. Collins passive modelocking in a ruby laser 1968 D. J. Bradley A. J. F. Durrant synchroneous pumping 1971 H. Kogelnik C. V. Shank distributed feedback(DFB) - dye laser 1984 W. H. Knox et al. pulse compression 1985 D. Strickland G. Mourou chirped pulse amplification 1991 D. E. Spence et al. Kerr lens modelocking … ;… and many recent developments : e.g. single-cycle laser pulses, THz pulses, pulse shaping, generation of attosecond pulses, laser-based nuclear fusion, …;三、与激光及激光应用有关的诺贝尔奖 Nobel prizes for lasers and laser applications;10;11;12;四、激光器的基本结构;致盲致眩武器、战术性武器(击毁装甲车、飞机、战术导弹等)、战略性武器(可以摧毁远程导弹、洲际导弹和卫星)。; ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;高能激光武器; ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????; ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????; ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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