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Drugs are administered by the oral route in a variety of pharmaceutical forms ,each with inherent therapeutic advantages that result in their selective use by physicians .The most popular forms are tablets ,capsules ,suspensions and various pharmaceutical solutions .Briefly ,tablets are solid dosage forms prepared by compression or molding and contain medical substance with or without suitable diluents ,disintegrants ,coatings ,and other pharmaceutical adjunct .Diluents are necessary in preparing tablets of the proper size and consistency .Disintegrants are used when rapid separation of tablets compressed ingredients is desired .This ensures prompt exposure of drug particles to the dissolution process thereby enhancing drug absorption .Tablet coating are of several types and for several different purpose .Some called enteric coatings are employed to permit safe passage of a tablet through the acid environment of stomach where certain drugs may be destroyed to the more suitable juices of the intestines where tablet dissolution safety takes place .Other coatings are employed to protect the drug substance from the destructive influence of moisture ,light ,and air throughout their period of storage or to conceal a bad or bitter taste from the taste buds of patient .Commercial tablets ,because of their distinctive shapes ,colors ,and frequently employed monograms of company symbols and code numbers facilitate identification by persons trained in their use and serve as an added protection to public health. 口服摄入的药物有形式,每种口服药都有固有的治疗优势,导致他们选 择使用由内科医生推荐的药物。最受欢迎的口服药的形式是药片、胶 囊、悬浮液和各种口服液。简单地说 ,药片是被压缩成包含医疗物质 可能添加了稀释剂、崩解剂、糖衣、或其他辅助药物的固体剂型。在 一定大小药片上保证一定的药物浓度,稀释剂是必不可少的。迅速分 离浓缩的药物成分时需要使用崩解剂。这促进了药物颗粒的溶解过程, 从而提高药物的吸收。药片糖衣有的不同的类型和不同的作用。一些 被称为肠涂料的糖衣是用来保证药片安全通过胃的酸性环境在肠道 发挥作用,胃中的某些更适合溶解药物的果汁可能会使药物解体。其 他糖衣是用来保护药物中的物质在存储时不受一些破坏性的因素水 , 光,空气的影响,或者在给小孩服用时掩盖药物的苦味或者其他的不 好的气味。普通片,因为其独特的形状,颜色,经常被当成公司的标 志,并且被编号以便于受过训练的人识别并使用它为公众健康提供额 外的保护。


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