新概念英语第一册Lesson 73 The way to King Street 课件.ppt

新概念英语第一册Lesson 73 The way to King Street 课件.ppt

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Mrs. Mills King Street ? How to get to the King Street ? Lesson 73 The way to King Street 到国王街的走法 week /wi:k/ n.周 上周 last week 下周 next week the week before last 上上周 the week after next 下下周 London /’l?nd?n/ n.伦敦 英国 the UK England suddenly /?s?dn:l?/ adv.突然地 suddenly 既可以放在句首,也可以放在句中或句末。 I suddenly remembered that I didnt bring my key. 我突然记起来我没有带钥匙。 Suddenly, she saw a man . 突然,她看见一个男人。 sudden /‘s?dn/ adj.突然的 a sudden rain 突然的雨 bus stop /’st?p/ n.公交站 Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop. 突然,她看见一个男人在公交车站附近。 smile /sma?l/ v. 微笑 pleasantly /plezntl?/ adv.愉快地 He smiled pleasantly. 他愉快地笑了笑。 大笑 laugh /lɑ:f/ pleasant /?pleznt/ adj.愉快的 understand /??nd?‘st?nd/ v.理解 understood /??nd?‘st?d/ 过去式 He did not understand English ! 他不懂英语! Do you understand ? 你明白了吗? speak /spi:k/ v.讲,说 spoke /sp??k/ 过去式 speak + 语言 说德语 speak German speak to sb. 跟某人讲话 Can I speak to your mum ? hand /h?nd/ n.手;指针 hour hand 时针 second hand 秒针 give sb. a hand 帮助某人 Can you give me a hand ? pocket /‘p?k?t/ n.衣袋 pocket money 零用钱 He put his hand into his pocket. 他把手伸进了口袋。 phrase /?freiz/ n.短语 phrasebook /?freizbuk/ n.短语手册 He took out a phrasebook. 他拿出了一本短语手册。 slowly /?sl??li/ adv. 缓慢地 slow /?sl??/ adj. 缓慢的 He read the phrase slowly. 他缓慢地读着短语。 lose /lu:z/ v. 丢失 lost /l?st/ 过去式 lose one‘s way 迷路  She lost her way. 她迷路了。  week 周 London 伦敦 suddenly 突然地 bus stop 公交站 smile 微笑 pleasantly 愉快地 understand 懂;明白 understood 懂;明白 speak 讲;说 spoke 讲;说 hand 手;指针 pocket 衣袋 phrasebook 短语手册 slowly 缓慢地 lose 丢失 lost 丢失 words smile What do you see ? bus stop pleasantly understand phrase suddenly pocket speak slowly speak smile hand phrasebook understand suddenly slowly pocket pleasantly expressions 上个星期 迷了路 在公共汽车站附近 向他问路 心中暗想 友好的笑了笑 讲德语 把手伸进了衣袋 拿出 找到了一条短语 last week lost her way near a bus stop ask him the way said to herself smiled pleasantly spoke German put his hand into his pocket took out found a phrase +3 +3 +2 +2 +2 +5 +3 +3 +3 +2 Because he did not speak Engl



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