新概念英语成人版第二册 Lesson12课件.ppt

新概念英语成人版第二册 Lesson12课件.ppt

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Captain Alison will set out at eight oclock, so well have plenty of time. set out 出发 set off set up set down set free 出发 引爆(炸弹) 建立,创立 写下,记下 释放; 解放 plenty = A lot of enough ? 充足的 Well see his boat and then well say goodbye to him. see somebody off 送行; 目送 see = visit Say goodbye to sb. say hello (to sb.); say sorry (to sb.) 参观 He will be away for two months. 他将离开两个月 He will leave for two months. ? × 短暂性动词不能表示持续,加一段时间 =He left two hours ago. 当无法使用短暂性动词时可用系表结构代替 be+形容词/介词 He will arrive. He will be here for a long time. He died last year. He has been dead for a year. Let’s try 他们结婚10年了 They have been married for ten years. 这本书我丢了三个月了。 The book has been lost for three months. 他参军有六年了。 He has been in the army for six years. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. Take part in/join/enter for review join指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,以及参军等,还可表示参与某种活动。 take part in指参加群众性活动、会议劳动、游行等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一份作用,有时与join in可互换 enter for 报名(参加) 【Special Difficulties】 Be+副词(做表语) 表示人或事物所进行的动作或所处的状态。 He will be away for two months. I’ll be back at six o’clock. be about 刚要、正要 He was about to go to school. 他正要去上学。 在附近 她肯定就在附近。 She must be somewhere about. be by 经过 教授将就会经过这里。 The professor will be by later. be in 在家、在办公室 医生在家吗? Is the doctor in? be out 外出,不在家 医生不在家。 The doctor is out. (秘密) 泄露 秘密泄露了。 The secret is out. be back 回来 等等我,我很快就要回来。 Wait for me.Ill be back soon. be over 结束、完毕 事情已经过去了,忘了吧。 It’s all over, forget it. be up 价格上涨 He is not up to the work. 胜任 他还不能胜任这项工作 【Exercise】 He has not yet returned.He will return in ten minutes. He is not back yet. He will be back in ten minutes. A new play is being performed at the Globe Theatre. A new play is on at the Globe Theatre. When the concert ended, we went home. When the concert was over, we went home. They will leave very early tomorrow morning. They will set out/set off very early tomorrow morning. 新概念英语成人版第二册 2023版课件 Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck Coco New words and expression


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