新概念英语成人版第二册 Lesson01课件.ppt

新概念英语成人版第二册 Lesson01课件.ppt

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1. Last week, I went to the theatre. 一般过去时 v.ed go to + the 地点 去那个地点做相关的事情 cinema go to + the 地点 school, hospital I ____ (be) very tired last night, so I ____ (go) to bed early. was went n. 座位 这里的seat指place(指地点),而不是chair. 请坐的说法: Sit down, please. Take your seat, please. Have a seat. 2. I had a very good seat. 3. The play was very interesting. interesting adj. ---ing 令人… 的 ---ed 自己感到… 的 This book is interesting. 书有趣 be interested in… 对……感兴趣 interest n. 兴趣 have interest in… 对…感兴趣 The film is very _________. I am __________ to see it. exciting / excited exciting excited 新概念英语成人版第二册 2023版课件 Lesson 1 A private conversation ★private adj. 私人的 private life 私生活 private school 私立学校 in private 私下里 反义词 public adj. 公开的 ★conversation n. 谈话 talk 内容可正式可不正式 conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式 theatre Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Sydney Opera House Broadway seat play ★loudly : adv. 大声地 Text in here Text in here loud adj. adv. 大声 loudly adv. 嘈杂 aloud read aloud loud/loudly/aloud 填空 The children are shouting ________ in the street. Students, please read the text _______. loudly aloud ★ angry adj. 生气的 angrily adv. 生气地 Text in here Text in here ★ rude adj. 粗鲁的 rudely adv. 粗鲁地 △ careful- carefully △ easy- easily happy- happily adj. – adv. ★attention n. 注意 pay no attention a little much more close 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% pay attention + to (介词) ★bear (bore, borne) v. 容忍 bear stand I can’t bear you! I can’t bear living here. I can’t bear to live here. 忍受的极限在加大 ★ business n. 事, 生意 ① n. 生意 business man : 生意人 do business: 做生意 on business: 因公出差 ② n. 某人自己的私人的事情 Its my business. (指私人的事, 自己处理) It‘s none of your business. 不关你的事。 Mind your own business. 管好自己的事情。 ★ business n. 事, 生意 ① n. 生意 business man : 生意人 do business: 做生意 on


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