新概念英语成人版第二册 Lesson18课件.ppt

新概念英语成人版第二册 Lesson18课件.ppt

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新概念英语成人版第二册 2023版课件 Lesson 18 He often does this! New words pub [p?b] n. 小酒店 public house 我们去酒吧喝一杯吧! Let’s go to the pub for a drink! landlord [l?ndl?:d] n. 店主,地主 我要当地主! I want to become a landlord ! bill [bil] n. 账单,比尔 Bill will pay the bill for me. 比尔会替我买单的。 He often does this. He用来指 Pets She 指 nation, mountain, river, tower,building. Sum up pub [p?b] Let’s go to the pub for a drink! landlord [l?ndl?:d] I want to become a landlord ! bill [bil] Bill will pay the bill for me. Listen to the tape listen to the tape and answer the question: What happened to the writer’s bag? Answers At first,the writer left it on a chair beside the door. Then, it was taken into the garden by a dog. Finally, the landlord found it and gave it back to the writer. 包包历险记 Two different “had”s After I had had lunch …,I looked for my bag. had 1(past perfect)过去完成时的标志 had 2 吃 have dinner / lunch / a meal Have 的用法 (1)perfect tense 完成时 Have you had lunch yet? 你吃过午饭了吗? 现在完成 Have/has + p.p. 过去完成 Had+ p.p. Have 的用法 (2)拥有 have=have got =own,possess 拥有 He owns a farm = He possess a farm =He has a farm =He has got a farm 我有一双小眼睛。 I have got a pair of small eyes. Attention! 表示“生病” 不能用own,possess!! I have a stomachache =I have got a stomachache Have 的用法 (2)得病 have=have got Have 的用法 (3)固定短语 Have a bath/ drink/ look/ conversation…… 洗个澡、喝一杯、看一下、聊一会、、 Have a good time =enjoy oneself 玩得开心 Have to 不得不 Eg.:我不得不努力长胖 I have to grow fat have to = have got to summary 现在完成时 “have + 过去分词” 过去完成时 “had + 过去分词” 拥有 have = have got = own = possess 得病 have = have got headache / fever /cough 固定短语 a.have dinner / lunch / breakfast b.have a good time c. Have a bath/ drink/ look/ conversation… d. have to Key structures: As I was looking for it, the landlord came in. 当我正在寻找时,酒店老板走了进来。 eg.: 昨晚当我睡着的时候,一只小偷进来了。 As I was sleeping, a thief came in. As…,… = While…, … 当…,…发生了 Look for 寻找 我在寻找一个快速致富的方法。 I’m looking


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