七年级英语下集体备课教案Unit 3.doc

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七年级下册英语教案(第三单元) 当前在PAGE1页 / 共NUMPAGES8页 Unit 3 How do you get to school? Period1 一、教学目标: 1、知识目标: ●To learn to talk about how to get to places. ● To learn to use how, how long, how far 2、能力目标:Talk about Transportation.. 3、情感目标:了解因地域文化差别所造成的出行方式的差别。 二 、教学重、难点: Learning to talk about how to get to places. Useful expressions 三、教具准备:课文录音 四、教学过程: (一)复习旧知 本单元的话题涉及学生上学的交通方式,与上个单元关于上学时间的话题紧密相连。 Review the target language about When do you go to school? 2. When does he\she go to work? 3. What time do your friends go to school? (二)自学新知 Asking and listening 1.Ask questions about how do you get to …..? 2. Do some listening.1b-1c. 3. Play a chain game practices the target language. (三)检测新学 Do 2b-2d 1. 播放录音,让学生根据所听内容填写信息。 (四)巩固新知 1.Let students open the exercise books, turn to page 23. finish part1. 2.根据汉语意思填空: My father wants to buy two (自行). Forty and forty is (八十) I have two (百)dollars. (六)课堂小结 注意: 对于听力水平一般的学生,教师可适当分析听力任务,降低听力难度。例 (七)布置作业 1.做课时练第一课时! 2. 背诵单词! (八)板书设计 Unit3 How do you get to school? (九)教学反思 Unit 3 How do you get to school? Period2 一、教学目标: 1、知识目标: ●To learn to talk about how to get to places. ● To learn to use how, how long, how far 2、能力目标:Talk about Transportation.. 3、情感目标:学生能够礼貌的使用英文互相询问! 二 、教学重、难点: Learning to talk about how to get to places. Useful expressions 三、教具准备:课文录音 四、教学过程: (一)复习旧知 Bike car subway train bus by bike Take the subway ride a bike. (二)新课导学 Let students read the conversation 2e . Then answer the questions: 1. How does Jane get to school every day? 2. How does Lisa get to school? 3.How long does the bus ride take? 4. How long does it take Jane to get to school? (三)自学新知 1. Let students listen to the conversation. 2. Let them read the conversation by themselves. 3 read the conversation in pair ! (四)检测新学 Students read the sentences of Grammar Focus. Work in four, discuss what’s the different of them? (五)巩固新知 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词 1. My uncle often d to work. 2. It


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