高中英语人教课标版必修2_Unit 3 Computers 公开课教案课件教学设计资料.ppt

高中英语人教课标版必修2_Unit 3 Computers 公开课教案课件教学设计资料.ppt

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Share your happiness with others whenever we meet with difficulties As she grew older With her growing older As a result As a result of has resulted in  results from arising from his class which arose from his class so cold a day that such a cold day that Such a cold day was it that So cold a day was it that 点击进入电子文档 高考拆组训练 NO.4 谢谢观看 * 版权声明:300套精品模板商业授权,请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * * 请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * * 请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * * 请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * * 请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * * 请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * * 请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * * 请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * * 版权声明:300套精品模板商业授权,请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * * 请联系【沛泽设计】:,专业PPT老师为你解决所有PPT问题! * 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 before I knew it 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 As technology develops and life improves 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 so kind and considerate that NO.2 课堂 小语段、串考点, 旧知新学不生厌 考点学通更巧 考点新组合   阅读微技能 As the Internet becomes more and more popular what to do with totally 起身 出现 起床 引起 raising raised raised raise vt.举起;抚养;提高;饲养 rising risen rose rise vi.升起;起身;增长;上升 arousing aroused aroused arouse vt.唤醒;激起 arising arisen arose arise vi.出现;发生;引起;起床 现在 分词 过去 分词 过去式 原形 arising rising raise aroused that to It was so far away that there was no signal of from in 处理 论及;涉及 与……打交道 what 考点新组合   阅读微技能 With science and technology developing quickly with which solved solution In order to solve the problem In a way in the way In this way should you lose heart With time going on/by As the final exam came near so well that an attractive place so attractive a place fast does light travel that NO.3 课后 练题点、练语篇, 直通高考不一般 演练提能更高 arising totally solution happiness appearance had been sold will have left universally before reality development intelligent Dont put the chair in the way It will be half an hour before 必修二 Unit 3 Computers 目录 CONTENTS 上台写、自主练, 双基落实不漏点



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