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世纪商务英语 外贸英文函电 CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH 全套PPT课件 Basic Knowledge of Business English Letter Writing Project 1 01 01 1. To learn about the basic knowledge of business English letter writing; 2. To master the form and structure of a business English letter; 3. To master the writing principles of a business English letter; 4. To grasp the sense of rules in the future career. Learning Objectives 02 Part 1 Basic Parts of a Business English Letter A business English letter is composed of essential parts and optional parts 1. Essential Parts(必选部分)   There are seven parts which should always be included in a business English letter. These parts include the letterhead, the date, the inside name and address, the salutation, the body, the complimentary close and the signature. (1) The Letterhead(信头)   The letterhead includes the sender’s name and address, postcode, telephone number, telex and fax number and the email address, etc. Usually the letterhead is printed at the left margin or in the center of the letter writing paper. 译 文 译文 基础知识: 函电基本部分有必要部分和可选部分组成 1.必要部分的定义   商务信函中需要包含7个部分。其中包括:信头,封内名称和地址,日期,称呼,信件正文,结尾敬语和签名。 (1)信头   信头包括发件人的姓名、地址、邮编、电话号码、电传和传真号码以及电子邮件地址等。信头通常印在信纸的中间或左边。 返回 02 Part 1 Basic Parts of a Business English Letter Example 1: Chemicals Import and Export Corporation Chiwan, Shenzhen, China Tel.:(0755Fax:(0755Email:swihko2@ The Left Margin 02 Part 1 Basic Parts of a Business English Letter Example 2: Chemicals Import and Export Corporation Chiwan, Shenzhen, China Tel.:(0755Fax:(0755Email:swihko2@ The Center 02 Part 1 Basic Parts of a Business English Letter (2) The Date(日期)   The date should be written in the standard form, for example, June 15, 2021. The all-number form (6/15/2021) should not be used. The date can be placed at the left or the right margin below the letterhead according to the format the writer chooses. The following formation is for your reference: The American Style The British Style M/D/Y D/M/


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