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Unit 5 China and the World Topic 3 Now it’s a symbol of England. Section A ;Language goals;Attractions of England;1b Listen to 1a and match the following information.;1a Listen ,look and say;6;A: It is a tower that/which is famous for its leaning. It is over 800 years old. Do you know what it is? B: Got it! It’s the Tower of Pisa in Italy. ;the Windsor Castle/ the private home of the queen in the UK/ over 900 years;the White House/the workplace of the president in the USA/ built from 1792 to 1800;3a look at the pictures and choose the correct one based on the following statements. Then listen to the passage and check your answers. ;1. If you see Big Ben in a film, it probably means the story happened in ______. 2. Big Ben refers to both _____________________ and ____________. 3. Big Ben weighs _______ and the tower is ______ meters high. 4. Big Ben rang out for the first time on __________. 5. Big Ben isn’t open to the public because there is _______ in the tower. ;1.You must be careful when you swim ________ the lake. A.across B.below C.over D.through2.—I’d like to order something to drink. What would you like, coffee or cola? —________. Milk is OK. A.Both B.Neither C.All D.Either3.—I often see Peter’s father play basketball on my way to school.—That’s not strange. Not only Peter but also his father ________ sports. A.enjoy B.enjoys C.enjoyed D.was enjoyed4.— Cindy, can I look at your notebook? It looks special. — Sorry. I usually write down something ________ in it. A.perfect B.practical C.pleasant D.private5.I have three pen pals. One is ________, and the other two are ________. A.Japanese; America B.Russian; Germen C.Canada; Australian D.English; Frenchmen6.— I tried many ways to solve the problem, but________of them worked. —Never give up. You'll surely make it. A.all B.none C.neither D.either ;Homework 1.抄写P17-18单词 2.完成练习册 3.预习Section B 4.继续背单词


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