Module 5 Reading practice May The Force Be With You-外研版高中英语选修八.pptx

Module 5 Reading practice May The Force Be With You-外研版高中英语选修八.pptx

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Reading practice ;Supplement information;星球大战 Star Wars (1977) ;星球大战2: 帝国反击战 Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980) ;星球大战3: 绝地归来 Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983) ;星球大战前传1: 幽灵的威胁 Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) [?f?nt?m] [men?s];星球大战前传2: 克隆人的进攻 Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) ;星球大战前传3: 西斯的复仇 Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005) ; 星球大战:原力觉醒 Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015;Star Wars: The Last Jedi 星球大战:最后的绝地武士 2017; Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 星球大战外传:侠盗一号 2015;Solo: A Star Wars Story 游侠索罗:星球大战外传 2017;Reading practice ;Star Wars _____ (be) a series of science fantasy films. The six-film series began in 1977, and _______ (have) a worldwide audience, with films, books, video games, television series and toys. It is now______________(acknowledge) by the movie industry ______ the most successful film series ever. The films were made _____ random order, and move backwards and forwards through two hundred years. They describe the ________ (do) of Anakin Skywalker, a noble Jedi knight while Darth Vader, under orders from Lord Sith, creates tension then conflict between various _________ (autonomy) republics and movements. This results ______ the defeat of the Jedi. Then Anakins son, Luke Skywalker, joins the Rebel Alliance ________ (attack) the authority of the new evil Empire. He accuses Darth Vader ______ killing his father, so he trains to become a Jedi knight and swears to avenge his loss. But to his sorrow, he learns that his father is actually Darth Vader himself. Luke escapes the latter’s grasp, as well as the Emperors attempt ______ (turn) him to the Dark Side. Instead, _____ his great relief, he achieves glory by turning his father back to the Light Side, ______ the divisions of the Rebel Alliance fleet fights the battle for the airspace over the motherland, and wins the war. Star Wars reflects many abstract concepts in Greek, Roman and Chinese folk stories, s


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