Module 1 Reading 课件-高中英语外研版选修八.pptx

Module 1 Reading 课件-高中英语外研版选修八.pptx

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Do polar bears eat penguins? ; Module 1 Deep South;Reading tasks:; Fast Reading;2. Check the true statements, and correct the wrong ones There are mountains and volcanoes in Antarctica. Not many animals live there. There aren’t many plants. 4. There are lots of white rocks in Antarctica.;2 . Check the true statements. 5. People guessed that Antarctica existed before it was discovered. 6. The first person to land on Antarctica was British. 7. France was one of the first countries to sign the Antarctic Treaty. 8. The treaty has three main aims.;where do the sentences go in the passage? ;Since then another 32 countries have signed the treaty.;Over the next 15 years a number of unsuccessful journeys to the pole were made by explorers such as Ernest Shackleton and Robert Scott.;If the ice melted, the sea level would rise by about 60 metres.;Some have come from the Moon and Mars.;There are different types of penguins, flying birds, seals, and whales. But the long Antarctic winter night, which lasts for 182 days (the longest period of continuous darkness on earth), as well as the extreme cold and lack of rainfall, means that few types of plants can survive there. ;B;P.3-3 learn the new words ;1. continent A. a large area of land B. a small area of land 2. permanently A. most of the time B. all of the time 3. ice cap A. the ice covering the North or South Pole B. a thin area of ice ;4. inhospitable A. exciting B. unpleasant or difficult to stay 5. seals and whales A. fish B. sea mammals 6. mass A. a high area B. an area without a clear shape ;7. reserve A. An area of protected land B. Land for building 8. rivalry A. Working together B. Being in competition ;Language points;;;


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